Wishes for You This New Year

Happy New Year

At the time I’m starting to write this, there’s about seven and a half hours before 2016 crashes over my timezone like the inevitable wave that it is. I like New Year’s. I feel like it’s a real holiday where we celebrate because we’re happy to be alive – and happy to have a fresh start. (Be it possibly only a psychological one.)

A lot about tonight and the coming days will focus on all the things that people want to accomplish in the coming year. I think that’s beautiful. I have a few goals myself, including more time spent here on this blog doing things I love.

But I want to do something a smidge different for my New Year’s Wishes here on SGZ. I have some wishes for you in your new year.

  • I wish for you to never feel like you are alone in this world.
  • I wish for you to find joy in the little things.
  • I wish for you to find the strength to ask for help when you need it…
  • …and to have the strength to give it when you can.
  • I wish for you to always have a place where you feel safe.
  • I wish for your friendships – whether many or few – to have great meaning and love.
  • I wish for you to remember that it’s okay. To be. To feel. To want. To love. To dislike. It’s okay.
  • I wish for you to have great, wonderful happy moments.
  • But more than that, I wish for you to find contentment and peace in your Self.


Happy New Year, beautiful people.

I Think This Calls For an Ice Cream

Hot Week

For my friends who don’t “do the celcius”, that’s:

Monday: (We’ll let you know if we’ve survived)
Sunday: 98.6 (aka My Outsides Should Not Be As Hot As My Insides)
Saturday: 107.42 (aka I Don’t… I Can’t… What…)
Friday: 103.64 (It’s So Hot, But I’m Crying Because I Know What’s Coming On Saturday)
Thursday: 96.62 (This Is How We Preheat The Oven…)

So that happened. I’m going to publish this and then literally go get myself an ice cream.

Survival celebrations.

Zine Review: Shakespeare’s Lovers: Macbeth


Shakespeare’s Lovers: Macbeth
Bloomurder Zines

Oh, dear zine. The very instant that I saw you, did my heart fly to your service. Hehehe.

Okay, so I’m apparently part moth because I like shiny things. When you’re facing a wall of zines at Sticky Institute, you’re probably going to be attracted to the shiny orange zine you see. At least, that’s how it went for me. The colour, the shine, and the texture that comes from a handwritten title (lurve) equals a sale from me.

Shakespeare’s Lovers: Macbeth is about exactly what the title says. A cliff notes type synopsis of the play follows a brief introduction. It goes further to talk about Macbeth and Lady Macbeth in their individual roles as well as how they fumctioned as a couple.

The zine maker’s writing voice in this is absolutely perfect. I dove right in and read it all the way through in one go. It’s one of those zines that made me feel like I needed to have the whole set in my hot little hands even though I’m not sure if there is a ‘set’ in existence yet.

Read it. Love it.

Zine Review: By the Skin of My Teeth Issue Two

By the Skin of My Teeth 2

By the Skin of My Teeth Issue One

My review of By the Skin of My Teeth Issue One is here if you’d like to have a peek.

On behalf of my friend Wing Nut, I have to say thank you for the big, easy-to-read typing. Hehe. I like all sorts, but it’s always nice to have something that’s easy on the eyes.

On to the good stuff! This zine continues on Sarah’s journey regarding mental health, but in this zine she shifts her focus to self-help and self-soothing. I always appreciate information about self-soothing because it’s something that I struggle with. Beyond that I like to see zine series that grow and expand organically from their original content.

She starts off talking about what has happened and is happening in her life, but then she moves into the big techniques for calming. I say big mostly because they are the ‘popular’ ones that weren’t new to me. But then she gets into more personal things like her favourite television shows and the different stuffed animals she uses on different occasions. It was at that point that I felt the ‘per’ part of ‘perzine’ really shined.

In and of itself, it didn’t grab me as very intense or informative (keeping in mind that I’ve been working on this sort of stuff for years), but as part of the series, it works. I’m curious to see where she goes in the next zine.

Call for Zine Trades

(I’m definitely happy to do more of these posts if anyone wants to use this site as a sort of messageboard to connect with other zine makers. The same goes for announcements about zine fests/workshops and other related things.)

Iā€™m interested in doing zine trades. Anyone who wants to trade zines can send me a message on Twitter or Instagram at @calhounpress.

Call for Calls for Submissions


I feel like I’m attempting to break the internet by posting a call for submissions call for submissions.

But that’s it! I want to share your call for submissions. Your call for donations to your zine library. So on. So forth. All the things! Leave a comment here. šŸ™‚

Big fuzzy love hearts to those of you who use graphics (and thus save me time) for their calls for submissions!

Call for Submissions: Penis Art Mini-Zine


It’s super silly, but I’m working on a new mini zine of just penis art. If you’d like to draw a little something for it, the zine will be 2.5″ wide and 4.5″ tall, black and white. If you want to submit something, if you could mail the original art to me that would be ideal (I don’t have a printer and not sure I can print peens at the library). Email me for the snail mail address to send art to: gothcupcake@gmail.com

A Good Review & Getting Organised

Screenshot 2015-12-11 20.52.52

I know better than to read reviews. My mind is deliciously talented at twisting any compliment into something that needs improvement. But when a reviewer contacts you first, letting you know personally how your work affected them, then it’s hard to resist taking a peek.

The review came with the best of timing. I’ve just wrapped up finishing the latest print runs of Dear Anonymous 3 and Don’t Call Me Cupcake.


Yep, I cut out the cupcakes individually…


A lot of sewing…

I wanted to get this all finished before starting my next zines. The review? A bonus, warm fuzzy motivator.