Re-read your favourite zines
My favourite zines? How am I supposed to pick favourite zines? Ack!
It’s been a long and busy (in good ways) Sunday here in the land of Oz, and I’m finally sitting down to relax a bit. (I’m thinking hot bath to take off that annoying winter chill in my bones.) But reread a favourite zine? Actually pick one (or two, or three)?
I’m a bit tired and want something nice to look at, so I might go with zines by Bodie Hartley or Rebecca Sheedy because I love their artwork.
Then again, it’s been a long, tough week, so Sober Bob’s pull no punches writing and sense of humour could be the ticket. It’s International Zine Month, too, though, so I could really get my zine nerd on and get into some copies of Xerography Debt and admire their dedication to zines.
Then there’s the tactile experience that I love so much, so there’s Kerbloom’s awesome letterpress aesthetics or the satisfaction of holding a thick little zine that I know is full of goodness like The Screever.
I could go back to the very first zine I ever bought or brush up on my zine knowledge with Stolen Sharpie.
Then again, there are really so many to choose from that, in the end, I may just do a lucky dip and go from there.
Happy IZM, my friends. ^_^
Other Zinesters Joining In (Let me know if you are, and I’ll add you to the list!):
Play along with 31 Days of International Zine Month Activities here!