Queer Collaborations 2018: National Australian Queer Student Conference

Photography/design Tayla Lauren Ralph

Queer Collaborations (QC) is the national Australian queer student conference. This year it will be hosted at UQ in Brisbane from 1st – 7th July 2018!

QC is a platform for queer student leaders to come together and collaborate on advocacy projects and campaigns, share knowledge and resources and devise national policy with the aim to help connect queer students across Australia. Traditionally it is hosted at a different university each year in July over the mid-year holiday break for many universities.

UQ Union (UQU) Queer Department successfully won the bid to host in 2018 and therefore the QC Organising Committee (QCOC) is made up of volunteer members from UQ Union’s Queer Collective (UQUQC) with support from the University of Queensland and the Australian Queer Student Network – the national peak body for queer students across Australia.

The conference is governed by it’s own Standing Orders as well as Safer Spaces Agreement. On average there are 200 student participants and invitations are sent to the wider queer community to attend as observers for specific events during the conference week. This year we are introducing new events to connect people in different ways including a guest plenary presentation, formal seminars, welcome luncheon, Brisbane queer culture and history tour and a national awards night!

For further information regarding the conference, please contact the QC Organising Committee at: qc2018brisbane@gmail.com

Call for Submissions: Weird Mask Zine

“Das Cabinet des Dr. Caligari”
D 1919/20
R.: Robert Wiene
Conrad Veidt

Weird Mask Zine is open for submissions!

Looking for: Stories that are 1k-3k words – the weirder the better. Genre fiction is a plus!

Payment: Contributor copy

Deadline: June 30th

Send submissions to: paperbackjunkymick@gmail.com

Zine Review: Self-Care for Zinesters

Self-Care for Zinesters
Maranda Elizabeth

Self-Care for Zinesters is a black and white A6 size zines about self-care for zinesters at zine events, on the road, and at home.

I feel a little weird reviewing this zine because I remember reading the related blog post (https://marandaelizabeth.com/2013/01/03/self-care-for-zinesters/) before I went to my very first zine fest, and it feels like reviewing something that’s famous. Alas, here we go.

Self-Care for Zinesters opens with an intro by Maranda in which they talk about their labels (mental health, etc). I had just started thinking, “This is especially important in a zine like this so you know where they are coming from” and Maranda actually writes:

“I’m prefacing all this with a bunch of labels I’ve applied to myself so you have an idea of where I’m coming from, and what my experiences might be like.”

If that’s not a good start, I don’t know what is. Haha.

Maranda goes on to discuss ‘zinester life’ and how many zinemakers feel overwhelmed and overstimulated at zine events (me, too!). From there, they go into self-care tips for zinesters on the road, at zine events, and zinesters at home. With tips like finding out what the coffee situation is and writing things down, I kept finding myself nodding along and thinking, “Yes! That’s so important!”

I feel like the blog post came into my life at just the right time, and now this zine has done the same. The zine had more than I thought it would be, and many of the things – especially self-care at home – struck a chord with me.

Writing for friendship was an especially sweet section in which Maranda writes about intimidation – a feeling many of us have felt even in the zine world with people who seem more ___ than you/your zines. Maranda recommended making friends with those who intimidate you. I actually ended up taking that advice and have been delighted with the friendships that have emerged.

All up, this is a great zine, and I highly recommend it.

PS. I hope no one is intimidated by me! You can always say hello.

Zine Review: Newspaper Blackout Poetry

Newspaper Blackout Poetry
Wolfram-J VK

Newspaper Blackout Poetry is an A5 black and white zine about what blackout poetry is and how it works.

If you’re not familiar, blackout poetry is the process of using pieces of text that already exist and blacking out everything except chosen key words, turning that piece of text into something new.

Newspaper Blackout Poetry opens with a bit of history about blackout poetry and how it’s actually an older process than you probably think. From there, we dive into various examples.

Blackout poetry is probably the poetic space I feel most comfortable in, so I was fairly sure I was going to enjoy this zine anyway. However, this zine went above expectations.

The first few examples are of ‘traditional’ blackout poetry with lines of text blacked out. The blackout didn’t quite completely obscure the text beneath. While that may have been an annoyance in others’ eyes, it made it all the more interesting for me. I liked comparing how I would have done it to how it was done for the zine.

The last two examples are very interesting. They take blackout poetry and turn it into visual as well as literary art. They add on lines, dashes, and small sketches to create something that’s pleasing to look at as a whole as well as at the smaller details.

The second half of the zine is made up of a ‘now it’s your turn’ section with pieces of text ripe for turning into blackout poetry. I always feel a little weird about zines that encourage you to write and otherwise change them, but that doesn’t make me love the idea any less.

My one nitpick is a lack of contact details, but you do at least have Wolfram’s name on the back to go on.

All up, I think this is a fun zine and it would be a great start for anyone wanting to dive in.

Setting Up the Podcast Space

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_smivLZ6y7Q&w=560&h=315]

Hello, zine friends! I hope you are well.

Today involved lots of sunshine and finally setting up the podcast space properly. Well, mostly properly. It’s still a bit of a work in progress. But, any excuse to make a video, right? Haha.

Happy Mail Monday – Happy You Exist Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cUotTN6JjY&w=560&h=315]

Hello and Happy Mail Monday! This week I have some gorgeous mail from gorgeous people near and far. Be sure to check out the chock-full-o-zines description.

Thank you to the wonderful people who sent me mail:

*True Zine Marin
*Latibule – https://www.instagram.com/latibule_art/
*Billy – https://bunnyears.bandcamp.com
*Keira – https://www.instagram.com/k.huolohan/

Zines & Distros Mentioned:

*Zippity Zinedra ‘Strawberry Leaflets’ – https://www.instagram.com/zippityzinedra/
*Sober Bob – $50 Minimum – https://www.instagram.com/soberbobmonthly/
*Friday Night in West Ealing – fridaynightinwestealing@gmail.com
*Wasted Ink Zine Distro – https://www.wizd-az.com
*Drawn Poorly Zine – https://www.instagram.com/drawnpoorlyzine/
*Drawn Poorly: Identity Review – https://www.seagreenzines.com/zine-review-drawn-poorly-zine-identity/
*The Live Journal Obsession – https://www.wizd-az.com/store/p97/LiveJournal1
*Blunt Talk – https://www.wizd-az.com/store/p127/BluntTalkZine
*Drawn Poorly: Relationships – https://drawnpoorly.wordpress.com/store/
*Gay Trans Boy Things Vol 1 & Men Do Bleed Too – https://www.instagram.com/aubreydillonsinclair/ or @drawnpoorlyzine


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SeaGreenZines/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/seagreenzines/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/zineninja
Etsy: https://www.seagreenzines.etsy.com
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/seagreenzines

Want to listen to The Zine Collector Podcast? Find me at: https://shows.pippa.io/thezinecollector

Also on:
Spotify: https://www.spotify.com/
Pocket Casts https://play.pocketcasts.com
Cast Box https://castbox.fm
And other podcast apps

Call for Submissions: Tender Zine Distro

TZD is a zine distro created to erase stigma around chronic illnesses (including mental illness) and to educate people about what living with chronic illness is like.

One zine/print a month will be featured and all money raised from each work will go to a different charity.

Facebook: facebook.com/tenderzine

The first work featured is by me (Amber is Blue) and it focuses on my battle with major depression. All money raised goes to Lifeline Australia.

We’re looking for submitters: email amberisblueart@gmail.com for further information.