Zine Review: It’s My First Time, I Swear

It’s My First Time, I Swear
Written by: Anonymous
Complied/Illustrated by: Marin Boyle

It’s My First Time, I Swear is a ½ fold black and white zine about sex work collab between Anonymous and Marin Boyle.

As Anonymous writes on the inside front cover, this zine is not a sex work 101 zine: this is a sex work positive zine with stories about the work. Following this is an intro to why Anonymous wrote this zine and the influences on their perspective (privileges that come with being white, etc.). It’s strong, clear, and if you had any doubts about what this zine entails, you won’t after reading the intro.

After that, Anonymous opens by taking on one commonly held belief: that ‘no little girl dreams of growing up to be a whore’. They write about being fascinated by sex work and sex workers from a young age – especially after seeing them on daytime talk shows. Anonymous went on to do huge amounts of research.

From there, we read about a series of firsts – from their first day stripping to their first day as an escort. (It took me a few moments before I realised how that tied into the title.) I was completely fascinated by all of it. I don’t know why, but somewhere in my mind, I thought sex workers tended to stick to just one area. All the different things Anonymous has done reminded me that sex work is like other jobs – people switch, get bored, transfer, etc all the time.

Anonymous’ writing voice is a pleasure to read. It’s strong and direct with no fluff while still sharing plenty. That makes this zine all the more interesting in my mind because it’s a clear, concise, real-life view of sex work that challenges stereotypes in sex work. One quote that really stuck out to me is:

“Throughout my other jobs, sex was always the least of my concerns. It was always about making the client feel seen and heard. It was about making them feel special. It was about making them – if only for a short while – feel important and significant. I was equally therapist and whore.”

Marin’s illustrations and layout choices are fantastic. The font is a good size and easy to read. The illustrations add visual interest to the zine would taking away from the impact of the writing.

I think this is an excellent zine, my bias being that, like Anonymous, I have been fascinated with sex work and workers for a long time. This zine is exactly what I was hoping it would be.

10 Sleeps Until Festival of the Photocopier

I spent nearly the entire day yesterday sewing zines, zine friends. I really, really need to get a thimble…

Hell, dear and wonderful zine friends. I hope this post finds you doing well and enjoying life at the moment.

Things have been incredibly busy here in the zine cave as I prepare for Festival of the Photocopier. There’s nothing like a zine event to make me realise how much time it takes to hand sew your zine binding. I do so love how it turns out, though, so just keep sewing…

As you may already know, I’ll be travelling by car, and so there has been a massive stack of non-zine-related things to take care of before the trip as well. Part of that has been arranging for the car to be tuned up to make it a safe journey and to make sure we have enough petrol money to get us there and back.

Some of that has already been taken care of thanks to the amazing generosity of friends and strangers alike. I’m incredibly grateful to know such amazing people. Thanks to them, we’re nearly to the goal for getting over to Festival of the Photocopier!

If you have been considering donating to my Go Fund Me, now is go time. 🙂 GoFundMe does take a little time to go from the platform to the bank account, and it would be absolutely brilliant to have one less worry as the time draws ever closer.

As always, thank you for your time. I’ll be back tomorrow with your regularly scheduled zine review.

Until next time!

Happy Mail Monday – Oops Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ro0vRqhxBHo&w=425&h=315]

Happy Mail Monday and welcome. This week I open some things I thought I wasn’t supposed to open last week (oops!) and check out some amazing mail from friends near and far!

Thank you so much for watching.


Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*True Zine Marin – https://www.instagram.com/shellbobmv/

*LeToMaGiC – https://twitter.com/letomagic

*Billy – https://bunnyears.bandcamp.com/
*Neither Nor Distro – https://neithernorzinedistro.com/
*Billy’s Patreon – https://www.patreon.com/iknowbilly

*Kendy – https://www.instagram.com/missmuffcake/
*Kendy on Etsy – https://www.etsy.com/au/shop/missmuffcake


GoFundMe to Get to Festival of the Photocopier – https://www.gofundme.com/help-nyx-get-to-fotp-zine-fest


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Link Tree: https://linktr.ee/seagreenzines

Zine Review: Adventures Close to Home

Adventures Close to Home
Rebecca Sheedy

Adventures Close to Home is a perfectly square and adorable full-colour comic zine about fun things you can do without travelling too far.

This 8 page (front and back, not including covers) zine is as cute as the cover implies. In Rebecca’s usual detailed but not busy style, they feature eight different fun, close-to-home adventures. Each adventure gets its own page full of colourful drawings that give tips for a great time and reasons why each adventure is cool.

I like how Rebecca mixes adventures that most people can enjoy like going to the local library as well as more location-specific adventures as well. Why? Well, because they’re now also within travelling distance for me, too. Haha. But while Rebecca may list something specific to South Australia, you can make it more general again (like ‘go to a tourist attraction’ rather than the one listed if it’s too far away from you) to help it suit you.

I really adore Rebecca’s work and love checking out all the little details included on every page. I want all of Rebecca’s work.

Check this one out.

Zine Review: Spoonie

Spoonie: Some Stuff About Chronic Illness
Phoebe Kitcher

Spoonie is a full-colour one-page folded mini about the Spoon Theory and chronic illness. Not familiar with the Spoon Theory? Check out this link: https://butyoudontlooksick.com/articles/written-by-christine/the-spoon-theory/

There’s nothing like a well-timed zine read, and I needed to read this today while stressing over zine fest preparations.

I’ve seen (and loved) a lot of self-care and chronic illness related zines, but I think this is the first one I’ve read that touches specifically on what the Spoon Theory actually is (many reference it but don’t explain it) and how it works. (That’s not a poke at other zines, by the way.) It’s a brief overview, but this hits the main points and offers a table that further illustrates the concept.

“A Spoonie in the Wild” – Phoebe’s self-portrait sketch – follows the overview as well as spreads that made me smile like “Unauthorised Spoon Usages” and “Befriending a Spoonie”. I like how Phoebe has made something personal enough to still appeal to those well-versed in Spoon Theory and gentle enough to introduce those who aren’t.

I’m familiar with Spoon Theory and am a spoonie, and it’s nice to see people making zines about it. It’s also nice to have little reminders (that I always forget all too quickly) like how the same activity on different days can take different numbers of spoons.

This is a lovely little zine that I’m happy to recommend.