Call for Submissions: Workaholic 2
Check It Out: Theee Urban Spacecat – A Mike Nobody Cassette-Zine
Zine Review: Wild Wisdom
Wild Wisdom
Authentic Creations Publishing Apothecary
Wild Wisdom is a black and white US half-fold zine about plant life cycles, nature, and more that takes a somewhat more spiritual approach to the subjects.
I’m not a gardener or grower by any sense of the word, but I find the entire subject quite fascinating and welcome educating myself on the matter. But unlike a how-to guide as such, Wild Wisdom incorporates a mix of typed text, handwritten text, and hand drawn elements to create a collection of nature on the intuitive side.
Wild Wisdom opens with a brief introduction to the zine and the ones who had a hand in creating it. On the opposite page of the spread is a ‘programs’ list, but admittedly it’s not entirely clear where or when these things take place. However, that’s neither here nor there as we jump into the zine.
Seed life cycles, the importance of plants derived from plants rather than cloned or otherwise manufactured, plant anatomy, and more are found in the pages that follow. This one takes us through a world of respectful and grateful harvesting, urging people to take more time to learn about nature’s growth. In amongst these are handdrawn diagrams of things like the Sea Hibiscus as well as differences in annual, biennial, and monocarp plant life cycles.
Aesthetically this zine fits right into the cut and paste feels with its mixed of drawn and typed elements. There are bits here and there that are a little difficult because of dark copying and a bit of text cut off but nothing that stopped me from reading. I enjoyed the little pictured of hands holding up fingers to denote the page numbers and other little elements this one included.
I also enjoyed the feelings of reverence from this one in the way this one writes about respecting plants and giving gratitude to plants. From the drawings of certain plants to a small mention about changing our perspective of ‘invasive’ in the bounds of how habitats evolve and change.
Wild Wisdom is a zine that feels like a scrapbook with a little bit of everything. If you want a more cut and dry zine about plant growing and plant life cycles, then this may not be the zine for you. However, if you’re interested in something a bit more – pardon the pun – organic, then this is one you may enjoy checking out.
Life, Zines, & Things Inbetween
Hello, hello, and hello once more zine friends. Today is a day for some explanations, some catching up, and some plans for the future. I’ve had some personal emergencies recently and wanted to ramble on a bit today.
As always, thank you for watching.
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Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253
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Call for Submissions: The Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine
The Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine
Submissions Now Open
Looking for rock, metal and punk themed horror, sci-fi, pulp and bizarro fiction submissions up to 2,500 words. Also interested in visual art submissions that are on theme, especially cover art.
Accepted submissions receive $5 and a contributor copy.
Email submissions to
Call for Calls for Submissions: Spread the Word About Your Zine/Distro/Library!
Share your call for submissions, let people know about your distro or zine library, announce your newest zine, let people know you are crowdfunding a zine project…
If you have an announcement to make that has to do with zines, do it here! Sea Green Zines wants to be your megaphone. Even better? It’s an automatic shout out on Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr when your call is posted here.
Big fuzzy love hearts to those who have a .jpg call for subs, but all are welcome. Get in touch by emailing seagreenzines[at] or comment below.
Zine Review: Lizard People, Dear Reader. A DIY Guide to Searching for Weird Sh*t
Lizard People, Dear Reader. A DIY Guide to Searching for Weird Sh*t
Julia Eff
Lizard People, Dear Reader. A DIY Guide to Searching for Weird Sh*t is a black and white US size mini-zine about getting your spooky detective hat on and going out to find some weird sh*t.
Zines are a lot of different things for a lot of different reasons. This zine has been the treat candy bar that I’ve been stowing away for a day I’d need a pick me up because I knew I’d love it.
Lizard People doesn’t waste any time, jumping right into defining cryptozoology, cryptids, and UFOs. From there we jump into an impressively-thorough-for-a-mini-zine assortment of tips and tricks for getting out there and documenting the strange, weird, and unexplained. This zine really hits all the spots with what to bring, things for evidence collection, where to look and what to look for… I especially like the importance of taking good notes!
I adore mini-zines that use the ‘secret’ inside page to share something, and Lizard People’s inside page is awesome! Inside you find a map of the USA with all kinds of locations marked for various cryptids and the like, but also a heap of websites and other media to check out and a ‘Don’t Stop Believing’ Bigfoot sticker as well!
I love it when a mini-zine is chock full of information, and Lizard People is a great example of that. If you have any interest in the strange an unexplained, then this mini is for you. And even if you don’t, it’s probably still for you anyway.