Zine Review: Draw My Steed Charity Zine

Draw My Steed Charity Zine
DemonStrips & 30+ Artists

Draw My Steed is an A5 full-colour collab zine featuring art from over thirty artists.

There is so much to love about this zine. Not only do you get to see art from over thirty artists (who are donating their time and art to a zine that raises money for a good cause), they all started with the same base sketch! Demon strips sent them all the same sketch to get them started, and every artist interpreted it in their own way.

(Just in case I’ve been unclear in any way, you can check out the original call for submissions here: https://www.instagram.com/p/BjrzcfiDy7J/)

Page one starts us off with the evolution of ‘Draw My Steed’ – something that actually started at Festival of the Photohopier 2018 as a fun drawing competition. From there it grew into the zine that supports the Amaroo Wildlife Shelter (https://www.facebook.com/AmarooWildlife/). Page two lets us know more about the wonderful, not-for-profit volunteer-based organisation and the work they are doing at the wildlife shelter.

From there, we’re treated to a wild collection of art. Some funny, some complex, some surreal – there’s so much variety to enjoy. It’s fantastic. I keep going through this zine again and again, noticing new things in creations from artists I know as well as artists who are new to me.

The zine itself is printed on nice, glossy paper which makes the art pop on the page. Each piece is accompanied by a clear Instagram handle as well, so if you love what you see, you can follow up with the artists’ work easily.

100% of the money raised by this zine goes to Amaroo, so you can enjoy all the art goodness in zine form and know that you’ve put some good into the world as well.

Definitely grab a copy.