Do you have a call for zine submissions? Have you launched a new zine? Is there a zine event you’d like to shout out? I share all sorts of zine-related goodness here and at so be sure to email me at if you’d like a signal boost.
Hello, zine friends! Welcome to the very first Happy Mail Monday of 2025, and my goodness is it ever filled with such lovely surprises. It is amazing to be back, and I am so very happy to show you such wonderful mail from around the world.
As always, thank you for watching.
My PO Box:
Sea Green Zines / PO Box 378 / Murray Bridge, SA 5253 / Australia
*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines:
Hello and happy New Year, zine friends. I hope this step into 2025 has been kind and gentle.
Unfortunately, some less than gentle things have happened in the last couple of weeks of December, including me falling on my face. My actual face. Nothing is right up broken, but I did have to get a scan today because there might still be some damage going on with my nose. So the bruises (still way too tender for makeup) combined with my inability to wear my glasses for any length of time (I’m short-sighted), means a rough start to 2025 and a delay in Happy Mail Monday.
If you’d like to check in to see if mail you have sent has arrived, please feel free to check in. I’m not sure exactly when I’ll be back, as I’m also dealing with a severe episode of depression. But please know that I’m doing my best to take care of myself physically, mentally, and emotionally right now.
Greetings, zine friends, and welcome to possibly the last Happy Mail Monday of 2024! And wow, what a zine-packed edition we have today. Grab a drink, sit back, and enjoy the wonderful zine creations.
As always, thank you for watching.
My PO Box:
Sea Green Zines / PO Box 378 / Murray Bridge, SA 5253 / Australia
*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines: