Zine Review: The Success Rate of the Herbs I Have Bought at Bunnings

The Success Rate of the Herbs I Have Bought at Bunnings
Rebecca Sheedy

The Success Rate of the Herbs I Have Bought at Bunnings is an A7 full colour mini-zine about Rebecca’s experiences with herbs bought from Bunnings (Australia’s everything including the kitchen sink shop).

This zine is like reading reviews before deciding to buy herbs, except so much cuter, more fun, and with to-the-point notes.

Basil, flat leave parsley, and four other herbs get a spotlight in this lovely little zine. Each page features one herb with the name, a drawing of the herb, and three* notes about Rebecca’s growing experiences. It’s not all dry facts, however, with adventures with a caterpillar and food uses for the herbs making it in.

There’s really everything to love about this zine, and I’m not even any good at growing… well, anything. I hope the ‘herbs I’d like to try’ part on the back means there will be a part two in the future.

*Except for chives, which gets two. Rebecca really doesn’t like chives.