International Zine Month – Day 23 – A Whole New Distro

Hello and a happy Friday to you, zine friends! And if the music my neighbour is blasting is anything to go by, it is a happy Friday indeed. Haha.

Here we are on another glorious International Zine Month Day, and what are we up to…

Today’s prompt is:

Check out a zine distro you have never ordered from before.

At first this prompt made me pause because I was thinking about how many distros I’m already familiar with. However, the pedantic part of me noticed the ‘never ordered from before’, and that changed things a bit.

Unfortunately, a few of the distros on my distro list are no longer running. (And I need to update the resources page.) However, I did check out Sweet Candy Distro and the page is still up and running. I can’t find anything that says it has closed, either, and you can still enjoy browsing a selection of zines on their website.

Sweet Candy Distro is run by an awesome human named Sage who started the distro way back in 2004! I like the colours and general warmth of the site. Along with the selection of zines of course!



Like with all years, I like to keep a running list of links to people/places participating in International Zine Month. So if that sounds like you, then please let me know! Comment here on the blog or send me an email at seagreenzines at gmail


*Echo Publishing