Description from https://tinyurl.com/zineofthehill3
Howdy! Thanks for your interest in submitting something to Zine of the Hill 3. For this issue, I am curating an all-queer “cast” of contributors. Like the second issue of Zine of the Hill, I would like to focus on how the show makes you feel, but this time with more queer subtext. Anyone who loves King of the Hill and falls somewhere under the LGBTQQIP2SAA umbrella may contribute. I am looking for both written pieces and visual art (but at this time, mostly written pieces! Creative non-fiction! Fiction! Poetry! Etc.!) Please keep things “PG-13.”
All accepted contributors will receive two copies of the zine. Unfortunately, at this time I cannot pay for submissions. After the zine is completed, I will be reaching out to get accepted contributors’ addresses to send copies of the zine. If you’d prefer a digital copy, please let me know at that time.
The deadline for this call for submissions is 1/23/22.
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out – longarmstapler (@) gmail . com
Thanks, y’all!
xoxo Maira