Fragments Issue 5
Fragments is a ½ fold black and white text-only (except the covers) perzine about a number of different life thoughts and subjects.
Right from the get go, Fragments gives you a look into their life and thoughts with a writing voice that is unflinching and confident. I was just as fascinated by their writing voice as I was by what had been written. The intensity I thought may have been reserved for the intro ended up carrying all the way through. I was taken in by this interesting combination of strength of conviction and thought alongside admitting they are still learning and growing.
From their annoyance about empty words, to creativity, to parenting, Fragments covers a lot of subjects big and small in mostly short sections. I had to smile as I increasingly got the feeling that Fragments likes documentaries – even sharing notes on one of them in one section.
I get the impression that Fragements is someone who doesn’t just think that people can be and do better – they know it. There are no illusions about what people often are, and yet there is this impression of realistic optimism about the potential of people – including Fragments.
I must confess that there is a section of the zine that I wasn’t able to read because of my own stuff, but I admire the bravery in being able to share what one has been through. There’s also mention of physical abuse as well, but it’s not explored to the same degree.
Fragments Issue 5 was an intense (in many ways), interesting zine about many different life moments. If you want to check out a perzine by someone with a strong writing voice and don’t mind the content warnings, definitely check out this zine.
PS. Fragments also offers free handwriting analysis, which sounds really cool to me.