Zine Review: A Book of Rainbows #1

A Book of Rainbows #1
12 pages

A Book of Rainbows #1 is an A5, full-colour zine about witchcraft, magic, and how Shei makes it all a part of their life.

Shei opens A Book of Rainbows by writing about their journey to self-belief and claiming the title of witch. From there, Shei shares their personal take on what magic is, thoughts on witchcraft and metal health, and more. There’s even a list of witchy resources at the back, and I do love a good resources list.

I enjoyed reading Shei’s thoughts and feelings. I could feel Shei’s vulnerability about sharing combined with love of the subject. They write with passion about the subject all the while acknowledging that these are personal things with different meanings for different people.

A Book of Rainbows is primarily handwritten with the exception of a piece called “I Am Freaking Magical (And So Are You)” which serves as an awesome call to arms for people to embrace the magical awesomeness inside themselves. Shei’s handwriting is clear and massive points for minding the margins and not cutting off words.

Shei’s usual style with designs, sketches, cut and paste, patterns works so very well for this zine. I love their style in all their zines, but in this combination of perzine and educational/introduction to witchcraft zine, it feels like the zine is a scrapbook. There’s something about it that makes it feel that much more personal and fun.

All in all, I’m already looking forward to the next one.

If you’re at all interested in witchcraft and love a perzine, definitely pick this one up.

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