Calling All Zine Makers, Authors, Artists, Musicians, Cover Designers, Etc!
I have created a new website called Hot Author Report, where I feature authors, artists, cover designers and more with interviews, guest posts, spotlights and more. The site is based off one I ran a few years ago that no longer exists due to forces outside my control.
Check out Hot Author Report. If it sounds like a place you’d like to show off your stuff, I’d love to have you. I’m booking for this month and into 2014, so we can schedule around any events you have coming up (ASAP is also an option!).
I want to turn HAR into a hub of awesome posts and reviews of all kinds of creative people. I only need people to feature – for free! I also advertise businesses and book covers in the side bars – also FREE for the time being.
Please get in touch!
Call for Submissions: Dear Anonymous 3
Dear Anonymous 3 is on its way and I’m looking for letters!
These letters can be confessionals, but they can also be whatever you like them to be. Write to your life, write to your cat, write to your past or your future… Dear Anonymous is about writing the letters of the things you can’t say for whatever reason.
Basically, you’re right in the 1 – 500 words range, but shorter is better. BUT, this zine is about expression, and I don’t want to force anyone to clamp down on their passion just for me. I’m flexible.
Send letters to theauthor at If I don’t respond to you within a few days, comment here.
All contributors will receive a copy.
One of my consistent crafty-type things is making zines (handmade magazines of various shapes and sizes). I have made a few, but my only ‘series’ zine is called Dear Anonymous. People from around the world send me letters that I interpret in an artistic way (no words changed, just put on paper in different ways) and bundle together into a zine. (Some of the letters are hard to read because of the content. Fair warning.)
Along with my love of zines, I have a love of mail – sending and receiving. I adore that little rush of excitement when I see something *not* official with my name on it in my post box. I imagine others feel the same.
The holidays aren’t the easiest time for me, so I like to soothe myself by putting RAKs (random acts of kindness) out into the world. This year, I figure I’ll combine all these things into one whopping mail frenzy. I think it will be fun.
So, anyone who puts a mailing address in the comments or emails me will receive copies of Dear Anonymous 1 & 2. Open to anyone on the planet. For the entire month of December.
I’ll buy stamps at the Post Office today.
…has gone. I did this…