Happy Mail Monday – Not Gin and Tonic Edition

Hello, hello, and welcome to another Happy Mail Monday where I don’t have gin and tonic, but I do have some lovely zine mail to share with you today! Check out the goodness.


My PO Box:

Sea Green Zines / PO Box 378 / Murray Bridge, SA 5253 / Australia

*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines


Awesome People:

*Anna – 6:20




*Kali Mythical Type – 24:58




Other Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Kendy P – https://linktr.ee/Missmuffcake

*Dayna CatMothCrow – https://catmothcrow.com/

*Ryan Pocket Thoughts – https://www.instagram.com/_my_name_is_ryan_/


*ZineWriMo – https://seagreenzines.com/zinewrimo-2/

*Prompts list – https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/str0t59vev01s2es3t77c/ZineWriMo-2024.jpg?rlkey=fbokhw36307e42pdj4zzqjrpx&st=1u5cge6c&dl=0


You Can Find Me At:




Channel art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co

Check It Out: Queer Zest Zine Fest

Queer Zest Zine Fest

Event Date: November 9-17, 2024
Event Location: Online

Spotlighting the work of diverse queer creators from around the world. Featuring virtual tablers, presentations, workshops, and meetups on zines, queer issues, and DIY culture!

This November, around the world, LGBTQ+ zine makers and fans will gather at
the Queer Zest Zine Fest — a two-day all-virtual zine fest accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This will allow folks around the world to meet and exchange ideas where physical limitations would restrict access to these spaces.

It will be a place where queer zine makers and queer zine fans can gather to celebrate zines, queer community, and share stories.

The Queer Zest Zine Fest organizers are a coalition of like-minded queer zinesters with a host of event planning experience under their belts. The organizer team met online in queer zine scenes and decided to join together to make this event a reality!

The fest will highlight the work of diverse queer creators from around the world.

Applications are currently open for tablers, workshops, and meetups until
September 30th, 2024, so get your application in while you can!

Check It Out: Queer Zest Zine Fest

Queer Zest Zine Fest

Event Date: November 9-17, 2024
Event Location: Online

Spotlighting the work of diverse queer creators from around the world. Featuring virtual tablers, presentations, workshops, and meetups on zines, queer issues, and DIY culture!

This November, around the world, LGBTQ+ zine makers and fans will gather at
the Queer Zest Zine Fest — a two-day all-virtual zine fest accessible to anyone with an internet connection. This will allow folks around the world to meet and exchange ideas where physical limitations would restrict access to these spaces.

It will be a place where queer zine makers and queer zine fans can gather to celebrate zines, queer community, and share stories.

The Queer Zest Zine Fest organizers are a coalition of like-minded queer zinesters with a host of event planning experience under their belts. The organizer team met online in queer zine scenes and decided to join together to make this event a reality!

The fest will highlight the work of diverse queer creators from around the world.

Applications are currently open for tablers, workshops, and meetups until
September 30th, 2024, so get your application in while you can!

Happy Mail Monday – Beautiful Zines Edition

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZKZ8ixdcMKs?si=RQ4nSvncMqBmSKji&w=560&h=315]

Hello and welcome back to another Happy Mail Monday, where it is my absolute pleasure to share mail from new friends and old friends. So many amazing zines!

*Like what I do here? Please consider checking out my Ko-Fi page where I post links to videos as well as sell my zines: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines

*Sierra DeCarmen – 6:50

*Jessica Gilbert – 35:17

*Anna Gecko – 51:36

Other Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Mini-Zine March – https://seagreenzines.com/2024/03/01/happy-mini-zine-march-2024/

*Nina of Echo Publishing – https://echopublishing.wordpress.com

*Nyx Reads – https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLORbjJcRAiTl4I_PPhT8wLi0KnQl3Hy3K&si=aBVpfGYyIoKVg6Y5

My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253

You Can Find Me At:


Channel art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co

Bits and Bobs: All the Rambles

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRLPNLFvRvE&w=560&h=315]

Hello friends. Today I felt like sitting down, having a chat, trying to straighten out the various things in my head… All the rambles. Grab a cuppa and perhaps join in a discussion about consistency, self-care, and trying to get all of life’s ducks in a row.

Like what I do here? Consider supporting me and Sea Green Zines on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines

Thank you so much for watching.

My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253

You Can Find Me At:


Channel Art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co

Vlog: Can I Get A Lozenge?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nNiBNzL4AHI&w=425&h=315]

Hello, zine friends! Well, it’s been a rough July so far and absolutely not how I wanted to spend my International Zine Month. But here we are. I’m looking forward to being back to it as soon as I possibly can.

Like what I do here? Consider supporting me and Sea Green Zines on Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/seagreenzines

Thank you so much for watching.

My PO Box:

PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253

You Can Find Me At:


Channel Art by Latibule: https://latibuleart.carrd.co

All the Lemsip

Hello, dear zine friends.

I have been waaaay too quiet lately, and not willingly.

I wanted to check in and say hello. Things have all kinds of rough recently with the worst fight with strep/double ear infection that I have ever had. I’ve managed to stay out of the hospital, but I’ve spent a lot of time trying to sleep through the worst of it.

While I know I have to just ride out this thing the best I can and actually take care of myself to avoid hospital time, I am sorry that I’m not doing any of the stuff I set out for myself at the beginning of the month.

With any luck, I will be back to it sooner rather than later.

Until then, make some zines, have some fun, and spread a little sunshine.

Zine Mail #IZM2023 Style

Hello! It’s totally a zine review day, but I got my #IZM2023 vibes going by travelling to get some wood cut for shelves in the Zine cave and then catching up on my mail. ALL my mail!

I know. This totally never happens… Until tonight! Including mail going out to my surprise zine buddy in @hb_zines‘ zine mail swap! (Thank you for organising!)

So I hope you’ll forgive the lack of review for the knowledge of a big stack of zine happy Mail is going out into the world in tomorrow’s post.

Spread a little sunshine!