Two New Zines! What I’ve Been Up To


Hello, zine friends! I’ve made some lemonade out of some recent lemons and spent some recovery time finishing two zines that I’m very proud of! Check out all the goodness.

As always, thank you for watching.


Awesome Things/People Mentioned

*Iestyn –

*Black Wolf –

*Ken Bausert –

*3310er –

*LP –

*Ryan Pocket Thoughts –

*Rich of Feral Publication –


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:

Sea Green Zines:
Link Tree:

Don’t Call Me Cupcake 2


Last October (HOW DID TIME GO SO FAST?! WHERE HAVE I BEEN?!) I took an anxiety-filled dive into the world of making my first perzine. Up until then, my zines always had the focus of other people in some way, shape or form. I never really took a stance and talked about how I felt.

Mostly because I’m a chronic fence-sitter, and expressing my opinion on anything opens me up to criticism. And criticism makes me cry.

I wish I was joking.

Anyway, the whole thing was liberating. Wonderful. Yeah, I made some statements that are no longer true for me, but that’s life. People change. However, it’s been way too long between zines.

Before 2015 is out, I really want to create DCMC 2. The first zine was about introductions. Why I chose the name Nyx, an intro to my world of bipolar, an intro to my art therapy, etc. I have finally decided on the ‘theme’ for the next issue:


I do have some non-fear-related pieces to put in there to lighten up the mood a bit, but the main focus will be fear/s. I do deal with anxiety as well as decision-making phobia and so on. However, while I’m still in the planning stages…

Do you have any suggestions about a fear related topic you’d be interested in reading about? (Or another topic you would like me to write about.) Anything. A response to thoughts, a question, anything really… I am open to suggestions within reason, so if you have any, please let me know.



Do you want to know what this is? No? Darn…

Just kidding. I am so happy! This is a top view of Dear Anonymous 3! It’s finished! Kind of. I still need to make the master copy so I can put this away, make copies and print off the cover as well. But I’m very close to completely finished!

If I recall my numbers correctly, this is twice the size of DA2. I’m still going with the less protective paper to cover it, though, because I can’t find minty/sea green cardstock for the life of me. Grr.

Anyway, woohoo! It’s a touch after 11pm my time, and I’m happy about that. I was shooting for midnight.

Dear Anonymous 3 Sneak Peek


‘Grocery list? Nyx, why are you showing us a grocery list?’
‘Let me explain…’

I love making Dear Anonymous. The Perfect Pocket Guinness Guide might be the first zine I ever made, but Dear Anonymous was my first zine idea.

Whenever I receive a letter to put into the zine, most times I know exactly how I want to present it. The picture of what to do with the words, what art (if any) to include, pops into my head almost instantaneously. There has been one or two times when I have stared at a letter and come up with a big zero, but I shrug those off.

So, what’s up with the grocery list?

From my attempts at sketching in the first zine to this zine, my style has changed a lot. I use a lot more typing, more elements, etc. This grocery list? Well, I got it into my head that one letter for DA3 had to be a note on the front of a refrigerator. Don’t ask me why, because I don’t know. Not a clue. I just cut up the bits of paper, drew on them and taped them to the page…

So, because I’ve taken so long with DA3 and because I missed the reviews last week, I figured I would break my own rules and give you a full-page sneak peek of one of the DA3 letters. This is the original, so it will look different in the finished zine. I think you can imagine what the black and white version will be like.


I’m currently working on a fake yearbook autograph page for a background for another letter. It never lets up, this crazy mind of mine.


Starting DA3

Starting on Dear Anonymous 3

I’ve been trying to think about how to start this all morning. I suppose the only answer to that is to muddle through and hope for the best.

With recent events in Sydney and now today in Pakistan, I am feeling powerless. And useless. I don’t want to call myself ‘a sensitive soul’ because that sounds like a label only someone else can give you. All that’s left to say is that my heart is aching, my tears are falling, and I’m not sure what to do about it.

What you don’t see here is the paragraph I’d typed, shaming myself for things that I have no control over (like having social anxiety) and for not doing more. But I refuse to do that. Berating myself serves no purpose, and it certainly doesn’t honour those who have died because of violence. My feelings of helplessness? Powerlessness? That means they win – the people who love nothing more than to make people feel afraid and powerless. I’m too competitive to let anyone win and take away my strength.

To the victims of violence: I remember you. I mourn you. I find the strength to keep standing because of you. I do what I can to bring something positive to the world.

Rest in peace.

Don’t Call Me Cupcake – My First Perzine!


It’s finished! My very first perzine – Don’t Call Me Cupcake – is finished, and it’s available on Etsy!



This issue focuses mostly on mental health stuff – my long road to finding a therapist I like, being in ‘bipolar denial’ for years, art therapy and so on. But I have a couple other things in there too, like how to get in touch plus a zine review!

Please check it out and let me know what you think. I want this to be the first of many.

Call for Submissions: Dear Anonymous 3

Dear Anonymous 3 is on its way and I’m looking for letters!

These letters can be confessionals, but they can also be whatever you like them to be. Write to your life, write to your cat, write to your past or your future… Dear Anonymous is about writing the letters of the things you can’t say for whatever reason.

Basically, you’re right in the 1 – 500 words range, but shorter is better. BUT, this zine is about expression, and I don’t want to force anyone to clamp down on their passion just for me. I’m flexible.

Send letters to theauthor at If I don’t respond to you within a few days, comment here.

All contributors will receive a copy.

Call for Submissions! Dear Anonymous 3

Dear Anonymous 3 is on its way and I’m looking for letters!

These letters can be confessionals, but they can also be whatever you like them to be. Write to your life, write to your cat, write to your past or your future… Dear Anonymous is about writing the letters of the things you can’t say for whatever reason.

Basically, you’re right in the 1 – 500 words range, but shorter is better. BUT, this zine is about expression, and I don’t want to force anyone to clamp down on their passion just for me. I’m flexible.

Send letters to theauthor at If I don’t respond to you within a few days, comment here.

All contributors will receive a copy.


The Occupy Melbourne zine is done and ready for copying, topping out at both my quickest made zine as well as my longest zine (30 pages). Though Occupy Melbourne (and Sydney, for that matter) no longer have libraries to donate to because of this:


But that doesn’t mean anything is stopping. Melbourne and Sydney are still grouping. I am still planning on sending out copies (unbound, so those who receive can copy as they please) of my zine to ‘occupy’ libraries. I want the world to know what happened in Australia and I want them to know how occupy movements came together in support.

If anyone would like to contribute to another zine like this and/or if you know the PO boxes of occupy movements, please let me know.

Occupy Melbourne Zine

I may claim that I’m still ‘just thinking about it’, but I’m doing a little more than thinking. I put this together as a front cover.

It’s not as impressive in black and white, which I will have to print most – if not all – of them in. But I still like it as a colour. I want it to show that we’re all in this together on a worldwide scale.

Again, if anyone wants to contribute, be it with a quote, poem, diary entry, whatever, let me know. As long as you’re cool with it going in the zine, it’s all good. I’m happy to include links if you direct me with a blog entry that you would like to include.

I’m also happy to take screen shots if you have some gold in them Twitter hills. 😉 Haha.