Off Topic: Greens Senator To Tony Abbott: “We Want Our Country Back”


I’m just so proud of this that I have to share. This is how Australians verbally bitch slap each other. Context? We hate our prime minister, and we’re really pissed off about what he’d been doing.

“We’re a few weeks out from the Western Australian Senate election on April 5, a do-over after 1370 votes were lost from the September 7 poll.

“Greens Senator Scott Ludlam was one of the likely losers of the initial botched attempt, narrowly missing out on a seat – and yesterday he stood in front of Parliament under the guise of inviting Prime Minister Tony Abbott to visit his state, and gave the Coalition one of the roundest shellackings you’re likely to be treated to.

Read more at: Greens Senator To Tony Abbott: “We Want Our Country Back”

Help Bring A Novel to Life!

I have survived abuse, moved across the world at 20 with nothing but a laptop and a carry bag, lost various non-vital organs… and yet, asking for help is still one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I’d always rather give to others and support others than ask for anything of the like in return. But we can’t always avoid the hard things, so here I go…

Dark Echoes is my third novel and, by far (over 15,000 words), my biggest novel. I don’t earn enough personally or from previous novels to be able to support the publication process (or price). This is where I ask you for help. Donate, share the link, like the link… Please help me to spread the word and raise enough money to publish this novel.

Helping isn’t just about money. I am incredibly grateful to anyone who likes and/or shares my project. No matter how you have contributed, consider me in your debt. Call on me when you think there is something I can do to help you out. Please feel free to let me know what you’ve done/where you’ve shared the link/etc. Believe me, I will remember your kindness.

Thanks in advance for even reading this. My dream – my big dream – is to make enough so I can run around and start playing fairy awesome-mother to other creative people who are in need. I’ll do what I can now if there is anything that you’d like to spread the word about. Please let me know.

Give and give alike! Thank you.