Thoughts on Zine Community

A few weeks ago on one of the Facebook zine groups, someone asked people to answer the question what they liked/disliked the most about the zine community…

So Many Zines

The things that I like and dislike about the over-arching zine community are, I feel, two sides of one coin.

One of the most beautiful things about the scene, the community, and the essence of zines is that anyone can make them. You don’t have to meet any particular biological standard, you don’t have to be of this profession or income, you don’t have to have a certain level of education… There is an inclusivity within the zine world that I have never experienced at any other time in my life.

Unfortunately, there is also a level of disrespect that, while I have been fortunate enough not to see often, I have come across. I hate to see anyone who makes zines as being deemed ‘not worthy’ on one level or another by any other zine maker or group.

(Certainly there is room to be made for distros who have certain visions and need to at least try to have a successful business model to survive. I hesitate to comment on distros or models because I have very limited experience with them in general – and none of my experiences have been outside Australia.)

Zines are of such an undefined nature that it allows more people to embrace them in a number of creative ways. It seems to me that some seem to forget that the very nature of zine creation is a condition under which they will almost be guaranteed to find something that they don’t like. That’s part of life.


To judge someone’s zine and say that it’s not ___ enough to be a zine is a step too far. I have my own lines as to what is a zine and what’s not, but I fully expect people to have differing views. There is a strange sort of quality spectrum in which anything ‘too nice’ is considered no longer a zine by some, and yet there is the other end where creations have been ‘too simple’ to be a ‘real’ zine. ‘Not enough cut and paste’ and the like. A zine is a zine is a zine. We creators are the ones who are becoming self-appointed gatekeepers – even unto ourselves.

I have seen those who have been judged by others and judged themselves by comparison. They think a zine ‘should be’ something and working toward that rather than finding joy in the act of creation itself.

I see people who feel negative about themselves and what they create, and I feel like that is, in part, a side-effect of people trying to proclaim what is zine and what is not. Opinions are welcome. Deciding an opinion is the definition is another matter entirely.

Yet even the very day I am writing this, I am reminded that the positive can outweigh the negative. That even though there is often this ‘we’re all broke’ kind of camaraderie, there is also a level of being willing to give your spare dollar, piece of art, or words to help someone in need. Yes, there is disrespect and fighting, but there are also beautiful moments of ‘let’s do this thing’.

Introverts Unite

Happy Hawaiian Zine Mail & Other Happenings

Hello beautiful people! Yes, I am in a most excellent mood. I have discovered that there is numbing throat spray out there, and I finally got a good night’s sleep because I wasn’t waking up regularly in agony.

The sky is blue, the sun is bright, and some beautifully bright happy mail came from Hawaii!


This picture does not do these zine covers justice. We’re talking highlighter pink and highlighter orange covers here, and they are the only piece of mail to come into my post box for days! What a gorgeous day to break a dry spell. Thank you so, so much Anna from Hawaii!


Today has been a busy, busy day (yeah, kind of mixing up happy mail and done/doing/dreaming in this post) with plenty happening because I’m not good at planning for rainy (or sick) days. A big part was taking pictures and updating my Etsy shop a bit.

The Zen Zine Pack (one of everything) now actually shows pictures with all the zines available, and prices more accurately reflect the time/effort put into them. I’d love to have one price across the board for every zine I make, but that’s not practical (especially with all the extra work that goes into Don’t Call Me Cupake).

This is how I get when the various zine groups start giving me ideas.

Anyway, I’d better keep going and going, as Kickass is coming over to my place very soon, and there’s still so much more to do! I hope you all have a lovely week and a lovely start to December later this week.

Call for Submissions: Thoughts Of You – A Dennis Wilson Fanzine


Theme: Anything inspired by the life, death and songs/music of Dennis Wilson, and/or his inspiration / contributions / role in The Beach Boys.

*Ongoing/no deadline.*

Looking for poems, fiction, humour, photos, art (illustration / collage /comics / memes, photoshops/edits /whatever) essays / articles / reviews, diary comics / graphic essays, memories / tributes &/or personal fan/fandom stories and tributes or anything else you can create.

Zine format will be colour & b/w pdf / A4 b/w print edition (+ pos a colour edition).
Planning to sell the finished zine grassroots homeless / anti-poverty charities.
Published contributers will recieve a free copy.
Long formal post w/ more info, (needs tweaking)

About the zine/blog / Basic idea

Interested in submitting or have any questions?
or dwzine (at) gmail (dot)com

Call for Submissions: Crown, Leg, Tooth


I’m always looking for poetry about staplers for our zine Crown, Leg, Tooth.

Folks can reach me at or

Denver Avenue Press
1319 se MLK Blvd
Suite 214
Portland, OR 97214

Anybody whose poem we use will get twenty copies of C,L,T as a thank you.