Slowly But Surely – Site Reworking

Hello, zine friends!

How’s it going? I hope you are well. It’s such a gorgeous sunny day here, and I’m so happy because I catch all of the afternoon sunlight in my office. I feel like curling up on the floor like a cat and napping in the glorious warmth. Haha

Alas, there is always a lot to do, and the focus of my day has been getting the site move/site rework/etc all sorted.

I’ve been working on getting the site all set up insofar as I’ve been doing all sorts of things – testing plug ins, themes, shops, etc – on a ‘spare’ URL I happened to have. I didn’t want any of my poking around to disturb the flow of things here. There’s likely to be some disturbance when I move the site over to my own hosting, but practise elsewhere means I’ll be able to keep it to a minimum.

I’m pretty happy with how things are going, but I don’t want to say too much just yet because I don’t know exactly when I’ll get everything going for the digital move or what features look shiny but aren’t actually usable. Onward and upward, right?

What are you working on? Let me know what’s happening out there in the world while I poke away in the digital world. Haha.