International Zine Month 2018 – Day 31 – HallowZine

Ah, zine friends, here we come to my last post of the day, the last post of the month, and the last post for International Zine Month 2018.

Today’s prompt is:

Remember zines and zinesters that are no longer with us

I count myself as very fortunate every year that this prompt passes and zine friends new and old are still around making zines. While I know that there will be sad times to deal with, I try not to think about it.

When it comes to zines that are no longer with us, a few come to mind.

Cats Not Kids – a series recent to my eyes – ended on the third issue. These things happen, of course, but I had already found so much in common with the zinemaker that I was sad to see it end.

Comics and Beer also comes to mind as a series start that I really enjoyed… Alas, it remains (as far as I know) a one-off rather than a series.

The biggest zine series that is always on my mind, however, and makes me feel sad that I didn’t find zines during its run is Factsheet Five. I’ve only ever seen pictures of it online, and the few listings that pop up on ebay every now and then are out of my financial reach. So I sigh and pout, and then remember to feel grateful for all the wonderful zinemakers, zines, and zine series that are still going.

With that, zine friends, I bid you adieu for the month of July.


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

International Zine Month 2018 – Day 30 – IZM2018

Yesterday’s prompt:

Write a letter or post about your IZM2018

Oh, what a month it has been. I’m a bit stunned that we’re already to the end of it, to be honest.

This has been such a lovely IZM. We got a new prompts list from Alex Wrekk, and I felt a lot more prepared for it in general despite the fact that I had a lot more on than in previous years.

I didn’t quite do all the prompts, and I didn’t post all the days ON the days, but I’m still happy with how things went. I like how IZM incorporates so many facets of ‘zinedom’ from giving away and trading zines to zine libraries and distros. A hat tip to reviewers as well is quite nice. Haha.

The big highlight of the month for me definitely had to be the 24 hour zine. It was very last minute on my part but ended up being so much fun. I’m usually very, very competitive with myself, but I don’t even mind that I didn’t quite manage to do it in 24 hours simply because I enjoyed the process so much.

I enjoyed livestreaming, and I enjoyed taking page suggestions from whoever joined the livestream (who all get copies when they’re ready) because it turned it into a group project of sorts.

Part of me is a bit sad that it took me so long to finally make a 24 hour zine, but mostly I am glad that I was able to experience it during IZM but also share it with others.

I hope others have had a wonderful International Zine Month. I know it can mean a lot of emails coming into your inbox of blog posts, and it can feel like a lot to catch up on if you get behind. It’s all for the love of zines, however, and that is a wonderful thing.


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

International Zine Month 2018 – Day 29 – Zine-fie

Hello, wonderful zine friends, and welcome to the end of International Zine Month. I will be wrapping up the last few prompts today and giving IZM 2018 a big hug. But I don’t want to get ahead of myself! On to the prompts!

Day 29’s prompt is:

Take a photo of you with your zines

The first thing I have to mention is that I forgot the ‘you’ part of this prompt. I’ve been going full steam ahead for days now with lots on, so when I realised my mistake, I figured I would just go ahead anyway.

The other thing to note is… well… You may recall that on day 26, I organised my zine collection. What I’m not sure I clarified is that I was organising my collection of zines that I have read already.

I have a few more zines that I haven’t read yet…

That is my full collection. Hehe. Or rather, that and the picture below which is my Xerography Debt collection that sits in the shelves behind me in my YouTube videos.

The zines in the black cube are the zines I’ve read. Going clockwise from that – the zines in the white basket with the red plaid material are the zines that are next up for reading and reviewing. The zines in the green box are zines that are next up for review but weren’t sent to me/bought with an expectation of review or specific review date. Finally, the zines in the black wire ‘basket’ are zines I have written review notes for that need to be typed up and put into reviews.

Oof! I haven’t counted how many zines I have in total. I’m a little scared to. Haha.

Xerography Debt collection along with a few others and a few zine books.

There we have it! More to come. ^_^


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

Happy Mail Monday – The Casual Edition


Happy Mail Monday! This week, some gorgeous goodies have arrived in the post box. Zines galore!

The sound is slightly weird this episode, but I’m hoping there’s not too much difference.


Thank you to the wonderful people who sent me mail:

*Iestyn –
*Ken Bausert –
*Natalie Michelle Watson –

Other Mentions:

*Latibule –
*The Zine Collector Episode 10 –
*Paper Currency –
*True Zine Marin


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:


Want to listen to The Zine Collector Podcast? Find me at:

Also on:
Pocket Casts
Cast Box
And other podcast apps

Call for Submissions: The Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine

The Rock N’ Roll Horror Zine
Submissions Now Open

Looking for rock, metal and punk themed horror, sci-fi, pulp and bizarro fiction submissions up to 2,500 words. Also interested in visual art submissions that are on theme, especially cover art.

Accepted submissions receive $5 and a contributor copy.

Email submissions to

International Zine Month 2018 – Day 28 – Zine Time!

Hello and happy weekend, zine friends! And happy Friday to those in other time zones. Today we have a bit of an interesting prompt…

Today’s prompt is:

Plan or attend a zine event. Big or tiny!

Zine events! Be them big or small, zine events can be an amazing, fun way to meet zinemakers you want to meet and discover new ones you may have never found otherwise.

There aren’t any zine events locally or even semi-locally, I’m sad to say. (Though there is a little something something happening in September that I will post about then.) And, being me, setting up a zine event this last minute… Yeah, I need to get better at the planning ahead side of things.

So I’ve decided to do something a little… in between. Not a zine event as such, but an event I am participating in.

The 24 Hour Zine Thing

Ta da! Haha. I remembered how, at the beginning of the month, I said that I would be doing my very first 24 hour zine thing this year. Lo and behold, it’s nearly the end of the month, and I haven’t don’t it yet! Eep!

Today’s prompt (when looked at at the right angle hehe) gave me the chance to go ahead and do it.

How I’m making it an ‘event’ is that I will be livestreaming off and on today throughout the making of the zine on Instagram. Some things will be pictures in ‘Stories’ and others will be shorter (maybe?) live videos. I should have planned this out a bit more, to be sure, but I’m also not really minding the playing it however it goes.

So if you’d like to join in and maybe make your own zine in the next 24 hours, follow me on Instagram. I’ll also be checking in when I can on the SGZ Facebook page.

Have fun! I’ll be starting with the videos side of things in about 30 minutes after this post goes up.


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

Call for Submissions: Tender Zine Distro

TZD is a zine distro created to erase stigma around chronic illnesses (including mental illness) and to educate people about what living with chronic illness is like.

One zine/print a month will be featured and all money raised from each work will go to a different charity.


The first work featured is by me (Amber is Blue) and it focuses on my battle with major depression. All money raised goes to Lifeline Australia.

We’re looking for submitters: email for further information.