Patreon Tiers Now Updated

Hello, zine friends! No mail arrived over this past week, but I have been keeping busy.

It has been on my list for longer than I care to admit, and it is finally done: updated Patreon tiers.

For a long time, I have been thinking about how to better use Patreon. How to offer more to patrons while still keeping the essence of why I started using it in the first place (funding the hosting for The Zine Collector podcast). I felt like I wasn’t giving enough back for the support wonderful patrons have been showing me.

I now offer tiers that offer things like my monthly mailing Missives From Murray Bridge and print versions of my zines. Different tiers for local and international patrons means that I have a balance between shipping costs and funding.

I don’t consider these tiers to be the be all and end all. I am open to your opinions on the current options as well as ideas for additional tiers. I’d eventually like to add a tier that offers things like SGZ tote bags and signed copies of my novels.

For now, I think this is a good start.

Best wishes!


Zine Event: Perth Comic Arts Festival

The Perth Comic Arts Festival is back again for 2019!

Come and join us for the PCAF Festival Day on the 6th July at the ECU campus in Mount Lawley!

✧ Discover amazing comics and zines created by local and interstate talent at our MARKET HALL ✧
✧ Explore your own creativity in one of our wonderful all-ages COMIC MAKING WORKSHOPS✧
✧ Listen to our ARTIST TALKS for an insight into their passion ✧
✧ Experience two EXHIBITIONS that highlight the incredible variety of what comics can be! ✧

And the best thing about PCAF? Everything at the event is FREE to attend!

We have an onsite cafe to meet your caffeine and sustenance needs.
PCAF is a wheelchair accessible event.

Keep an eye on our Facebook page to stay up to date on PCAF as we announce more details!

Photographs & film footage will be taken at this event for use in ECU promotional material, the ECU website & social media. Please notify event staff if you do not wish your image to be included.

Zine Review: Pocket Thoughts 2

Pocket Thoughts 2
Ryan Ewing

Pocket Thoughts 2 is a quarter-sized black and white perzine about all sorts of topics.

When you first open Pocket Thoughts 2, you are immediately launched into a black and white world of cut and paste. There are different fonts, different sizes, some handwriting, some typing, and even a backwards message. There is a tiny picture of Ryan, a tiny picture of chunky soup, and a comic one page one.

Yes, all that I’ve mentioned is on the front inside cover with a comic on page one.

Ryan’s style is pretty clear from the start with his Amazon review – “This Is What Happens When Amazon Asks Me to Review the Soup I Buy Online” – of some chunky soup that has plenty of humour and a healthy dose of sarcasm.

Ryan’s language is adult – meaning he swears – and it seems no subject is out of bounds. There is a piece about humans’ strange behaviour around using the toilet, a ‘recipe’ for ‘Poor Man’s Pizza’, and a piece that is ripe for giving offense to the more sensitive believers in god/God. Yet Ryan also contemplates the obsession with youth, the evolution of television shapes, and even shampoo.

And in amongst it all is a compelling piece about how we should switch our focus from putting more love into the world to putting in more compassion. How love can actually feed into selfishness while compassion is an outwardly directed feeling with outwardly directed actions. Some might argue that it’s a matter of semantics, but Ryan makes very good points about the differences.

This is certainly a zine that takes you through a lot of feelings.

As I mentioned before, there’s a lot going on in this zine. A cut and paste paradise, if you will. That does mean it involves a bit of very small text and holding it a bit closer to my face than I care to admit, but I think it’s worth it. It’s a lot of fun and a wild ride where you have no idea what’s going to happen from page to page.

I feel like I’ve only captured a somewhat small look at the way Ryan’s brain works, but that’s a good thing. Now I want to go back to the first zine as well as dive right into the next.

PS. Ryan writes that a cab driver told him that he puts strawberries on his pizza. What… what?

Zine Review: Dear Diary, Today I Died 2

Dear Diary, Today I Died 2
Avery Flinders

Dear Diary, Today I Died 2 is an A5 black and white gaming zine about going to PAX (a gaming conference), the dangers of dictating what’s ‘queer enough’ in games, and games Avery has been playing.

I reviewed Dear Diary, Today I Died 1 ( and am so glad I picked up 2 and 3 at the same time.

Dear Diart 2 takes us out and about to PAX in Melbourne. Given Avery’s mention of all the people and noise, it’s not something I’ll ever do, so I’m glad Avery has shared their experience in zine form. (If you can’t do it, live vicariously through other zinemakers hehe.) Avery writes about the games they played while there, bringing up plenty of new-to-me titles I will be looking around to check out.

In the centre spread, they write about going to a panel on queer games – and the problems that arise when one group starts deciding what are ‘good’ and ‘bad’ queer characters in games. In Avery’s own words:

“I definitely agree that there is such a thing as a bad depiction of queer people or queer experiences! But one group of people setting themselves up as the objective judges and arbiters of what counts as ‘good rep’ runs the risk of excluding and invalidating a lot of your audience.”

I love how Avery explores this topic and makes very good points that start in gaming but reach far beyond into current world issues.

Avery wraps up the zine with thoughts on some of the games they’ve been playing recently. More games to check out is always a win in my book.

Dear Diary 2 is another enjoyable zine in the series. Avery’s mix of game commentary, recommendations, and how issues in gaming connect to the real world keeps me coming back for more.

Happy Mail Monday – Early Morning Edition


Hello, and Happy Mail Monday! I hope you all enjoyed discount chocolate bunny day! Today I am back and showing off so many amazing zines from the US and UK!

Thank you so much for watching.


Awesome People/Places/Spaces Mentioned:

*Office Tour Video –

*Billy –

*Punk Bird –
*Punk Bird 1 Review –

*Cavedweller –
*Torso Zine Review –

*Warglitter Zines –

*Glitterwurst Zine Distro –
*Sam’s Go Fund Me –


My PO Box:

Jaime Nyx
PO Box 378
Murray Bridge, SA 5253


You Can Find Me At:

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