ZineWriMo Day 30 – ZineWriMo Wrap Up: Blame It On 2020

Hello, happy Monday, and happy final day of ZineWriMo! We’re here! We made it and, from what I have seen and been told, we’ve had a great ZineWriMo.

Give and take a little. Haha.

ZineWriMo Wrap Up – Write/Zine about your ZineWriMo 2020

With the way this year has been going, I was a little bit nervous about ZineWriMo, but I was also excited to start creating. I knew I wasn’t the only one who hadn’t been creating much – if at all – this year, and ZWM was a great, low-stress, low pressure way to get going.

I didn’t finish the mini-zines, but the prompts proved to be an unexpected kind of inspiration, and it felt so very good to get started.

Of course, the 24 hour zine day was the big day. I was completely unprepared and loved every minute of it. I didn’t finish this either, but I smile so much thinking about this! Everyone was wonderful and supportive, the prompts were awesome and thought-provoking, and it was so much fun.

I was looking forward to finishing it before the month was out but…

Yep! I had to take a trip to emergency yesterday. I am okay and there are a few things yet to be worked out. I have been sleeping in between pokes and prods, but I’m resting at home and will have some answers soon. I’m so sorry about the silence around here.

It’s been an eventful month but, overall, a great one with plenty to look back on and smile. Did I accomplish all the goals I set at the beginning of the month? Nope! But that’s not what this is all about.

I hope everyone else had a great month. I’d love to see what you all did. I know there’s a problem with my comments section here, so feel free to tag me on Instagram and/or email me your blog post links at seagreenzines@gmail.com

Until next time, spread a little sunshine…


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 28 – Celebration

Hello and happy Saturday, zine friends. How are you? Did you celebrate Thanksgiving? If yes, are you finding interesting and creative ways to use your leftovers? I’m really missing pumpkin pie right about now. Hahaha. Along the theme of being grateful and thankful comes today’s prompt…

Make a zine celebrating someone in your life

It’s all too easy to go through life thinking that those we care about know that we care about it. They know, right? In the way we check in, in the way we have our in jokes or our favourite memories… But I think it’s also all too easy to forget that we are cared about. That we are special to someone. The kindest hearts are often those bearing the most pain. So it certainly wouldn’t hurt us to share the love a bit and celebrate those who are special to us.

When I sat down with my mini-zine blank, I didn’t have anyone in mind to make a zine for. In previous years, I always went in with a plan. This time, I sat down… and it was the paper that did it for me. The cover is one small part of a 12×12 piece of paper featuring a blurred but beautiful blue sky and stunningly green grass. Then, like that sun shining, the lightbulb went off in my mind, and I knew.

Unfortunately, this one is a bit of a personal variety, so I won’t get too much into it. Like the others, it’s not finished yet. Still, I enjoyed expressing myself through colour, patterned paper, and washi tape. I enjoyed making a zine, but I also enjoyed making something purely for appreciating this person’s completely unexpected but now so important existence in my life.

How did you go with today’s prompt?


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 27 – Friday Night Highlights

Happy Friday! How is it the last Friday in November already?! My goodness gracious me. Time flies and flies. Being Friday, you know what’s up next…

Friday Night Highlights – Show off your work in progress

As much as I had other plans for my works in progress, here is the big one! Yes, my 24-hour zine will be a 24(+)-hour zine, and that’s totally okay. This is my kitchen table for the time being. Hahaha. I’ve had to spend the day catching up (and will spend a bit more time doing so over the next few days, but I’m going to be getting my zine on hard to get this baby done sooner rather than later!

Do you have a Friday night highlight to share?


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 26 – Warm Up Blackout Poetry

Hello, and happy Friday. I’m doing yesterday’s prompt today because I want to catch up, and I really like…

Warm Up – Try making blackout poetry

If you’re not familiar, blackout poetry is where you take an already established text and black out part of the text to create something new.

There’s something intriguing to me about blackout poetry. I never know where it’s going or where it’ll really end up until I’m finished. For a long time I was actually a bit intimidated by blackout poetry and didn’t do it. What could I possibly create? Would it be easy or hard? Would I love it or hate it?

It turned out I really love it. It’s like unlocking a hidden puzzle inside every piece of text. And you can do it more than once to unlock different puzzles. I know it can feel a bit daunting, but I recommend giving it a go if you haven’t yet.

Have you tried blackout poetry?


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 24/25 – 24 Hour Zine Day & WIP Wednesday

Hello and happy Thursday, zine friends!

Well, well, well. I don’t know about you, but Tuesday and Wednesday certainly snuck up on me! I apologise for the silence around here, but I was busy diving into the prompts…

24 Hour Zine Day – Make a zine of any size or type in 24 hours
Work on your work in progress

You have to start somewhere…

This is the third 24 hour zine I have made, and one thing that stays consistent is a colourful ‘introduction to the 24 hour zine challenge’ page. It ends up being a great warm up that helps me loosen up creatively and use all the colourful things.

I didn’t really know for sure if I was going to try for the full 24 consecutive hours. I started at noon on Tuesday and figured I’d just go with the flow of how I felt. In previous years I’ve broken up the process over a couple or a few days. This year, even though I think I had more prompts than I’ve ever had before, I thought I’d leave myself open to the idea.

There were so many creative prompts this year. (My 24 Hour Zine Thing zines are all pages I’ve made but the pages are based on suggestions people send.) A lot were thought provoking and one even made me laugh out loud.

At midnight, I called it for being a good 12-hour creative session and decided I needed some sleep. Well, more like my body and my brain fog decided it for me. That said, that’s the longest solid creative session I’ve had making one of these zines.

I started at 10am the next day. I spent a little less time on social media and ended up getting further than I thought I would. There are still quite a few pages left to complete, but I did get all the prompts started with my ‘page base’ ideas. I have a lot of writing in my future…

I didn’t completely finish the zine within 24 hours, but I really loved the process. I did stop pretty regularly for social media updates and whatnot. Would I have finished if I hadn’t done that? Possibly. But, for me, the social media and stopping to chat to people is part of the fun. People were very encouraging, I got some last-minute page prompts, and I overall didn’t feel alone any second of those 24 hours.

No matter how you do it, I highly recommend giving it a try.

Have you done the 24 hour zine challenge? Will you? Oh my gosh, are you doing it right now? Let me know in the comments.


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 23 – Sharing is Caring Zines & Makers

Monday, Monday, Monday. Be kind. Haha. Hello, zine friends. Welcome to the start of a new week – if, in fact, Monday is the start of your week.

For today’s prompt, we have something I love doing… sharing the love.

Sharing is Caring – Write/Share about any zines/makers that/who inspire you

As much as I love sharing the love, I also get a little anxious because I feel like I’m always going to miss someone – and of course I want to mention all the people. So if I don’t mention you, please forgive me!

*Nichole/Pieces series – https://www.instagram.com/corridorgirl/ – Nichole is one of the first friends I made in the zine world and someone whose zines I identified with strongly. I’m pretty sure one of the issues of Pieces is the still the only zine to have ever made me cry (in a good way).

*Fishspit – Fishspit is another person I met very, very early early on in my zine journey. He’s always given me so much support in all the zine things I do, and he has one of the gentlest souls I’ve ever encountered.

*Karley – Karley makes the third person I met in my baby zinemaker days. She invited me to join my first ever collab zine (that I wasn’t organising myself) called The Filth. She inspires to be more unapologetic in what and how I create.

*Ryan – https://www.etsy.com/shop/pocketthoughts/ – Ryan is a great guy who inspires me with all of his creative ideas in zines, art, YouTube, and more. He’s a very skilled artist and has a great sense of humour.

*Nina – https://echopublishing.wordpress.com/ – Nina is such a supportive and kind person who inspires me to keep creating zines. Chainsaw Bunny is a long-time favourite of mine, and Nina’s art is absolutely lovely.

*Rich – https://www.instagram.com/feralpublication/ – I’ve talked about Rich a few times in regards to Feral Publication. I’m always impressed and inspired with what Rich is doing as a business, creatively, and to build community.

And, of course, all the ZineWriMo participants! <3 And many many more people!

What zinemakers/zines inspire you? I’d love to know.


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 22 – Zine Wiki Day

It’s a humid Sunday here in the zine cave, and it’s time to check in on ZineWiki!

Zine Wiki Day – Check in at https://zinewiki.com/wiki/Main_Page

ZineWiki is an awesome Wiki page dedicated to zines, zinemakers, and other zine information. Over the past year or so, there have been some issues with the ‘behind the scenes’ technical things.

When I started putting the prompts list together, I knew about the issues, but I still wanted to feature the site. It’s an awesome source of information, and I think we as zinemakers and zine fans can help support this site properly if we try. (It’s just a matter of figuring out who runs it and how we can help!)

So even if you can’t make or edit a page just yet, be sure to pop in, bookmark the site, and spread the word. We can’t let places like ZineWiki fade away.


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.

ZineWriMo Day 21 – Self-Care

Hello and happy day-late Sunday ZineWriMo post. Yesterday the day got away with me – at least, insofar as posting went. I did, however, get a nice start on the prompt for the day…

Make a zine about self-care

I was a little unsure about a self-care zine for myself, but I really wanted to put this as a prompt for this year. I don’t think I need to remind anyone how difficult this year has been, and self-care is especially important in times of stress.

With all the problems with technology I have been having, the idea of a ‘maintenance report’ popped into my head, and I decided to run with it. Kind of checking in with systems to find errors and required updates. I was thinking of the old dot matrix printers as well, but the “holes” on the edges of the cover didn’t quite fit what I was thinking of.

Even so, I had a lot of fun with this and have a start on a zine I’m liking so far.

Did you make a self-care zine or get started on one? Let me know in the comments.


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.