Dear Anonymous & The Perfect Pocket Guinness Guide

I am so happy to have finished my first zines and have them out there in the world. Today I sent out a stack of envelopes to contributors, trades and some surprises for Both are available at my etsy shop, but I think most of this first print run will go on trades and such. Haha. I don’t mind that at all. I need to stock up my zine collection!

I’m in that weird moment now where I’m thinking ‘what’s next…?’ as far as my next zine goes. I’ll put a formal call for submissions for Dear Anonymous V2 soon, but I’d like to work on something else as well.

But, until I decide what’s what, pictures!

Purple moose loves Guinness and The Perfect Pocket Guinness Guide.

3 Replies to “Dear Anonymous & The Perfect Pocket Guinness Guide”

  1. allo darling,
    I received my copy of DA today and was surprised that you had handwritten every entry! That takes a level of dedication that I was not expecting for a first issue. Well done. I just linked you up on the Filth site. I see that you have done the same for me. Thanks babydoll!

    1. Yay! So glad it got to you safe and sound (and quick!) and that you enjoyed it. 🙂 It was a work of pure love! Thanks for the link love and talk soon!

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