Call for Submissions: Not So Crazy

Not So Crazy

Looking for contributors to my up and coming zine “Not so crazy”

If you have had experience with mental health, or know someone who has and wish to share.

Accept all formats, writings, art, poems, illustrations, short stories, poems, photography.

Please send to JADEHUTCHINSON1@GMAIL.COM with the subject like “notsocrazy”

Submissions can be anonymous or credited, if you wish to be credited, please state how.

Deadline: 25 JUNE (For Issue ONE)

3 Replies to “Call for Submissions: Not So Crazy”

  1. I’m thinking about submitting something for this. Is it your zine? If not is there a website or store, or a Twitter account for it? I’d love to follow along or submit something later if I can’t meet the deadline for this one 🙂

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