Happy Mail Awesomeness! Zine Makers Are the Best

Haaaaappy mail! I’m so happy I could burst into glitter and confetti.

People in the zine community are so generous. A couple of these were trades, but it’s still wonderful and generous in my book.

Billy da Bunny Happy Mail

This first assortment of zine goodness came from http://wemakezines.ning.com/profile/BillyDaBunny. We have an interesting little trade happening in that part of the trade is me recording audio versions of my zines…

More news on that later.

Billy even took a look at my wishlist and did some digging around. Zinesters are awesome!

Bloomurder Happy Mail

This pack of happiness came from the one and only https://www.facebook.com/bloomzine/. She creates such classy zines, and it’s always a pleasure to find happy mail from her in my post box.

LogPoes Epic Happy Mail

It’s a box of zines. An actual box of zines.


The amazing LogPoes of https://yourfriendlp.wordpress.com/ was going through her zine collection and asked me if I’d like some of the zines she was happy to pass on.

Would I?

anime eyes

Yes, please!

Zine Happy Mail

So many zines! This, my friends, is how you get one of the very rare “I owe you Tim Tams for the next decade” Nyx cards.

I am near-speechless level gobsmacked that someone would send me a big ol’ box of zines like this – especially from overseas.

Thank you so much, LogPoes!

So Many Zines

<3 <3 <3

7 Replies to “Happy Mail Awesomeness! Zine Makers Are the Best”

  1. Very happy that they arrived safely and that they found a new reader! *cheers*
    Tim Tams! I do remember them fondly. *adds “Tim Tams” on the “REASONS WHY I HAAATE BEING GLUTEN INTOLERANT”-list, next to “pizza” and “those little goldfish thingies”*

      1. I know! 🙁 Stationery is always a good idea! But please don’t feel obliged to send me anything, shipping costs are ri-di-cu-lous and I’d prefer you invest in keeping the zines happening! 🙂

        1. Oh, I definitely don’t feel like I *have* to send anything. I just like to give back the happiness that is given to me. ^_^ If you want to email me your mailing address so I can send you some random goodies on occasion, that would be awesome. But if you’d rather not, that’s cool, too. 😀

  2. what are you talking about? delusional as usual . . . ain’t ya nyx?! zine makers are a bunch of egomaniacal, cry-baby, poofters!
    and as a black, queer, gluten intolerant, transsexual I find your white privilege distasteful!

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