Happy Mail! The Comic Edition

Suuuuch a beautiful happy mail day. I love spring. My favourite season in the States was always autumn, but spring in Oz has completely won me over. It’s love.

Anyway. Sneaky, sneaky timing from my post box with goodies arriving this morning in time to sneak into this week’s happy mail. If this keeps up, I’ll have to start making happy mail videos. <3


First off, a cheeky postcard from my friend Dodgy, who is still on holiday. I tried to give him some money a few weeks ago before he left so he could pick up some postcards and trinkets for me. He laughed and refused. By the look of this postcard, I’m not going to live the whole ‘check the exchange rate’ thing anytime soon…


Woo! I have been enjoying Olivia’s Tumblr and Instagram for a while now and have been saving up to grab a few zines from her shop.

A huge thank you to Olivia for the option of sending overseas. It always takes me a while to save up, but I have a list of zinesters I want to buy things from. I was all ready to go (pre-Asimov emergency procedure) and was disappointed to find a few zinesters I had listed didn’t actually have the option of sending to Australia.

Don’t get me wrong – I know there are reasons. But definitely don’t assume that no one overseas will ever buy from you. (And no worries, I know I can contact the shop owners and ask.)


My first enamel piiiiiin! And zines! So awesome. If you follow my Instagram, you may have already seen the little birdie on the pin. It’s a magpie to commemorate my first (and, crossing fingers, only) concussion. (Yeah, a bird gave me a concussion. Love Australia!) SoberBob was awesomely generous and sent along a couple zines as well for my enjoyment. Love!


Zine Ninja and I are in a comic! Squeeeee!

Okay, this one takes a little explaining (and a few links). ComicProv is the brainbaby of Lady Beaver and Steve Waldinger. When you rock up, Lady Beaver draws a one-page comic based on you and the things you love (pizza, comics, zines, unicorns, rainbows, whatever you like). The thing is that she leaves the speech bubbles empty and then passes the comic over to Steve.

Neither has a clue about what the other has in mind! How funny and awesome is that?

They often do their comicprov thing at zine fests and whatnot, but you don’t have to be at an event in person to get a comic. (Hi, I’m in Australia, if you hadn’t picked that up before.) All you need is a photo of you and a couple of favourite things you’d like listed. (I’m still pretty gobsmacked how they managed to work in not only the things I listed that I love but also a couple things I joked about.

Depending on when you read this post and if you’re reading it on the blog, you might just see my selfie taken with the comic.

Definitely get in contact if you’re interested. At $10 (at the time I’m posting this) for a one-page comic featuring YOU, it’s definitely a steal. (Plus shipping if you can’t see them in person.)

Also in with the happy mail were a few of Steve’s web comics. Hahaha. I think I may have found someone who is just as punny as Wanderer…

Happy mail, everyone! May your week be beautiful and your post box full of fun mail.