Queer Indigenous Girl
Se’mana Thompson
Queer Indigenous Girl is a full-colour perzine that covers topics like introductions, O’Otham culture, reading recommendations, and Se’mana’s experiences living with ADHD.
I must say that this zine has one of the most interesting introductions I’ve ever read. It’s an introduction that introduces Se’mana while also talking about the complexities of introducing oneself in the various cultures Se’mana is a part of. I was totally fascinated.
Aesthetically, this is quite a nice zine. The combination of full colour along with Se’mana’s cut and paste style makes for pages that are interesting to look at – and look at closely. I love Se’mana’s art collage. I find it hard to explain, but I looked at it and immediately saw a distinct ‘style’ to it.
The only thing that made me fuss a little bit is that the small size of the handwriting made it a little difficult to read by less than ideal light.
While reading this zine, I did get the ‘first zine’ feeling in that I found myself wanting more – to know and read more with everything. That’s a good thing, though. It’s people not being interested and not wanting to know more that means you need to worry.
If you’ve been reading my reviews for a while, you know how I can nitpick about contact details. Se’mana covers it like a champion.
Beautiful, clear, easy to read, and multiple options. Fantastic.
All up, I really like this zine, and I’m very curious about how this zine series will progress both in content and aesthetic.