Mini Zine Review: Strimp

Simon Mackie

I’m still somewhat new to comics as a whole, so keep that in mind…

Strimp is a mini-zine comic printed in black and white on a single glossy piece of paper containing seven one-page comics. In Strimp, you get a glimpse into creator Simon’s mind as well as his sense of humour.

When you look at a mini-zine, it’s almost natural to make assumptions about what you’ll find inside. Strimp is another min-zine that shoves assumptions aside, however, and gives me more variety than I was expecting.

Structurally, there are single comics that fill the page as well as other multi-panel pages. The variety extends to the humour as well. Some have a bit more of the sarcastic humour that I’m used to, one is more on the punny side of things, while yet another is a bit darker.

I didn’t always understand the humour, but that’s not really here nor there.

As far as contact details go (such a recurring theme for me, isn’t it?), Simon makes it halfway there with a name but no other contact details.

I don’t know if it was Simon’s intention or not, but I feel like this zine is like a “sampler” of comic work. The different structural styles, the slightly different humour within the comics… To that effect, it certainly works, because I am curious and want to see more of his work.