After my change in perspective, I let go of what I ‘should’ be doing and went with whatever my body wanted to do. Apparently that consisted of sleep. A LOT of sleep. I feel so much better for it, though – especially because I had wonderfully boring but pleasant, drawn out dreams all about receiving mail.
Yep. Mail dreams. Hahaha.
My dreams did come true, however, in that I had some lovely mail come my way!
My Send Something penpal comes up with simple but creative letters. This one is written on lovely thick cream paper, and I love the antique look of the washi tape.
The Screever Zine (blog) got in touch on Instgram, and I could hardly wait to see their zines. The bigger zine – Ground – is actually tied together with a thin rope. Very cool. And it comes with a loyalty card so you can collect letters from issues of the Ground series and sned a completed card back for a free treat. Very fun.
Happy mail from Sober Bob! I didn’t realise how cool it was to watch a zine being made through photos and video on things like Instagram and then be able to hold that thing in your hands. It’s always good to see a Sober Bob envelope of happy in my post box.
That’s me for today. Thank you to all the wonderful people who have made my post box and my life a happier place. I hope you all have a smooth, calm start to your week.
Gotta love dreams about happy mail, especially when they’re followed up by actual happy mail! xD