Hello, zine friends!
Is it Monday already? The weekend went way too fast for me. Then again, that sort of thing is bound to happen when you rarely stop working and struggle to, you know, take a day off every now and then. Haha.
This week’s happy mail was such a surprise! Let’s dive right in.
Given I hadn’t yet replied (it’s now in the mail!) to the last letter from Anna, this one was very much a surprise. A lovely little note and some fun buttons for my collection! These both remind me of my high school days. I was all about smiley faces and writing back then. I love the nostalgia. Thanks so much, Anna!
Wowza! When Xyendra mentioned that we could do a trade because they had some zines from my wishlist, I wasn’t expecting this! It’s like Christmas and my birthday!
I am so excited to start reading these. So many zines to cross off the wish list! My gosh – the generosity. I am just utterly gobsmacked.
Chocolate. Chocolate from Canada. Different kinds of chocolate from Canada to try. SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!
My gosh. I have a sweet tooth like no other, and I love chocolate. So, so good. Yes, I’ve already tried some, and Xyendra has excellent taste. EEE! I can’t believe someone sent me chocolate! ^_^
What could possibly make me any happier than receiving zines and chocolate? A super cute pen! A super cute pen with a cupcake on top for my perzine series Don’t Call Me Cupcake. How gorgeous is that.
Thank you so much, Xyendra.
A massive thank you to Anna, Xyendra, and everyone who takes time out of their days to check out the blog and send me such lovely zines and bits and bobs that brighten up my world bubble.
That’s me for today, friends. I hope the start to your week is a good one.
Until next time!
Chocolate in the mail…I think that’s the definition of happy mail 😀
I agree. ^_^