International Zine Month 2018 – Day 7 – Zine Distro Appreciation Day!

Hello, zine friends! Happy weekend. I hope yours is going well. I miss having more sunshine, but rainy days are lovely for curling up and reading some zines. Or working on tweaking websites in my case. Ha!

Today’s prompt is:

Zine Distro Appreciation Day! Order zines from a distro to read during IZM2018

Distroooooooooo. If you’re curious, a ‘general’ definition of distro is:

Distro = sell zines from more than one author
Shop = sell only your own zines

As much as I would love to join in with today’s prompt, I can’t. So I decided to join in by posting up a list of distros. These are the ones I know of, but if you know of any I’ve missed, be sure to let me know!

Antiquated Future (USA)
Black Mosquito (Germany)
Brown Recluse Zine Distro (USA)
Doris Press & Distro (USA)
Food + Paper (USA)
Mend My Dress Press (USA)
Pen Fight Distro (UK)
Pioneers Press (USA)
Portland Button Works (USA)
Small Zine Volcano (Australia)
Sticky Institute (Australia)
Stranger Danger (USA)
Sweet Candy Distro & Press (USA)
Take Care Zine Distro (Australia)
Vampire Sushi (UK)
Wasted Ink Zine Distro (USA)

Enjoy! Let me know what you order. ^_^


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

4 Replies to “International Zine Month 2018 – Day 7 – Zine Distro Appreciation Day!”

  1. I ordered from Portland Buttons Workd (for the first time)! 🙂

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