International Zine Month 2018 – Day 14 – ValenZines Day!

All you need is zine love, la la la lala. Hehe. Hello, zine friends!

Today’s prompt is:

ValenZines Day! Give yourself some zine love in whatever way it means to you (read zines in the tub? Buy some new scissors?)

When I first saw this prompt, I thought about a bubble bath zine reading session or curling up on the recliner. But today the sun is shining, I’m in a lovely mood, and I have plenty of zine-related tasks to tinker with. For me, this is a lovely zine way to spend the day.

What are you up to today?


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –

One Reply to “International Zine Month 2018 – Day 14 – ValenZines Day!”

  1. I did a zine workshop for/together with Fat Positivity Belgium! it was a lot of fun and it’s such a lovely group. now having a bit of a nap. 🙂

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