International Zine Month 2018 – Day 19 – Distro Consideration

Good afternoon, zine friends! Nearly evening. Ooph! I’m running behind, but not too badly. Today’s zine prompt is a bit of an easy one… because I don’t have any postage. Oopsie.

Today’s prompt is:

Send your zine to a distro for consideration

Unfortunately, I can’t send any zines off for consideration today. However, I do have this lovely list of distros for you to check out. Always make sure to read directions and ask any questions before sending off your zines. Let me know how you go!


Antiquated Future (USA)
Black Mosquito (Germany)
Brown Recluse Zine Distro (USA)
Doris Press & Distro (USA)
Food + Paper (USA)
Mend My Dress Press (USA)
Pen Fight Distro (UK)
Pioneers Press (USA)
Portland Button Works (USA)
Small Zine Volcano (Australia)
Sticky Institute (Australia)
Stranger Danger (USA)
Sweet Candy Distro & Press (USA)
Take Care Zine Distro (Australia)
Vampire Sushi (UK)
Wasted Ink Zine Distro (USA)


List of activities:
Facebook group:

Others Joining In :

*Echo Publishing –
*Feral Publications –