Call for Submissions: Queer!Content #6: The Gay™ Theme: A Positive Education

Hey, friends.

Submissions are now open for Queer!Content #6: The Gay™
Theme: A Positive Education

I’m looking for a diverse range of stories and artistic styles for this issue as it will be used to introduce queer teens to zines during a workshop in November.

The focus will be on stories for positive change. Use this as an opportunity to share stories of survival, queer language you wish you’d known earlier, or about connecting with other queer folk. If you think they’ll laugh at it then please don’t hesitate to send it through.

Submissions are open until October 31, with a limit of two A5 submissions per person. Image files should be 300dpi and in PNG format. When it’s done it’ll be printed in A5 dimensions, in black and white, on white paper.

Send your submissions and/or questions to: