Zine Review: WarGlitter Zines Issue 1

Life happened yesterday, so we’re getting the Friday review today! Enjoy!

WarGlitter Zines Issue 1

WarGlitter Zines issue one is a black and white quarter-sized perzine about identity, writing, dreams, witchcraft, family history, and more.

Allie opens on the inside front cover with a quote by Knuffelvos (https://i.pinimg.com/originals/82/c9/bc/82c9bc75a03b368e94be59aaab2374d7.jpg) about wearing your armour – be it make up, tattoos, or your own heartbeat – and kicking ass.

What a brilliant way to start a zine.

I love a perzine, but Allie had me hooked not only with the awesome quote but also with everything on page one. She writes about what ‘Warglitter’ is to her, and what I feel is one of the great beauties of making a perzine:

“It’s letting the past me be stupid because I’m still that person, too, after all, and she needs me to give her a fucking break.”

I swear the past me started yelling, “Yes! What she said!”

What follows is a collection of cut and paste pieces from various places and times (all written by Allie). I identify so much with her as she writes about fears around writing under your real name instead of a pseudonym and the things that means to you as a writer.

She also writes about a strange yet peaceful dream, witchcraft – its meaning and how it might tie into her family history – and all sorts of topics. If you like variety in your perzines, then this one is for you. The pieces range in length as well as writing style, and there’s even a poem in there as well.

I really enjoyed this zine. I identified with so much and found everything interesting – especially Allie exploring her family history. This is a great start to a perzine series that I hope will have a second issue soon.

Pick up a copy.