Zine Review: One Day Sober.. (it’s not over)

One Day Sober.. (it’s not over)
AJ Smith

One Day Sober is a super tiny A9 black and white zine about taking things one day at a time.

Sobriety is a difficult road to walk, and a walk that one must do every day. One Day Sober is both acknowledgement of this long journey as well as encouragement to those who are on the same journey.

One pickle about this zine is that there are no contact details, which is understandable because of the size. But I think the inside of the zine could be used in cases of itty bitty zines.

One Day Sober is a very sweet zine that is like a warm hug in your pocket. A little reminder to breathe, if you will. I’d love to see some sort of little carrier or other protection for this zine so you could carry it with you out and about. Definitely one to have a look at if you see it.