Hello, zine friends! Welcome to this, the sixth day of November and thus the sixth day of ZineWriMo. It’s also the first Wednesday of the month, which means…
Work In Progress Wednesdays
WIP Wednesdays are for working toward the goals you set earlier as well as sharing what you’re working on in whatever ways you so choose.
Most of my progress today was mental with a few notes scribbled down on my handy dandy legal pad. I had a therapy session today, so doing much after that was a bit of an ask energy-wise. But these are the sort of days I had in mind when I decided to put together a prompts list that leaned more toward a relaxed way of doing things. No pressures. No stress.
What have you been working on? Have you been sharing your progress anywhere online? Let me know in the comments and be sure to connect with other people getting their ZineWriMo happening this month.
Other Participants:
Novice Zinester
Herinza Syadza