ZineWriMo 2019 Day 12: Warm Up: Stream of Consciousness Writing

Hello, zine friends, and welcome to day twelve of ZineWriMo. Today we have a warm up prompt…

Warm Up: Stream of Consciousness Writing

Stream of Consciousness writing is an exercise in which you try to relax your mind and just write down whatever comes to mind. Some people say that you *have* to keep your pen moving across the page, but I find that a little too stressful. My mind takes brief breaks and I see this activity is more about releasing than forcing.

While it may sound quite simple and easy, this should be approached with some caution. This exercise can take you in mental directions you don’t want to travel. So while it’s good to relax and let your mind wander, keep awareness of the paths you’re mentally walking.

I don’t mean to scare you off this by any means, but as someone with trauma in her past, it’s something I try to be aware of in my own creative work.

Have you tried stream of consciousness writing? Has it helped you creatively? Let me know in the comments.

Other Participants:


Novice Zinester
Herinza Syadza