ZineWriMo Day 8 – Refill the Well

Hello, dear and wonderful zine friends. Is it the end of the weekend already? Well, for some, anyway. I don’t really count weekends as such, as I’m doing something Sea Green Zine related every day of the week. I also tend to operate with my friends’ time zones in my head as well.

This turned into an unexpected ramble, but here we are. What’s on for the day?

Refill the Well – Read Zines

Read zines? Yes, please.

I am absolutely spoiled for choice when it comes to zine reading, and I love it completely. I hardly know where to start (save for the people who sent me zines specifically for review). Perzines, photo zines, movies zines… There are silver linings to life, and the plethora of zines is certainly a silver lining in mine.

How did you go today? Did you read zines? If yes, what zine(s) did you read? Do you refill your creative well in another way?


Other Participants:

*Echo Publishing
*Rachel Getts


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.