The Paruretic 1
Mark Cunning
The Paruretic 1 is a black and white US ¼ sized perzine about living with paruresis: a phobia in which the sufferer is unable to urinate in the real or imaginary presence of others.
I think most of us have heard about being ‘pee shy,’ but I think a lot fewer people realise that it’s a real social phobia that an estimated seven percent of Americans deal with.
The Paruretic 1 opens with a definition of paruresis (what I used in the description at the beginning of this review). What follows is an introduction to Mark’s life – from places and situations Mark hates/loves to things he’s tried to get the flow going.
Mark’s writing style is clear and to the point. While I was reading, I felt like I was getting to know Mark’s personality as well as learn about paruresis and what their life is like. You can pick up the heartbreak in the piece featuring a conversation with someone from a dating site. I could almost feel the groan of ‘yes, I have’ with the “I’ve Tried It” list.
The Paruretic is an interesting perzine about a subject I’d only heard of in passing. I think it’s definitely a perzine to pick up, read, and even share with your friends in case they might be dealing with the same phobia and feel like they are alone.