Hello, zine friends! I was so ready for a weekend, and mine is already flying by. But time flies when you are having fun, and I had fun with today’s ZineWriMo prompt.
Today we have:
Make a Zine – Stream of Creativity – Don’t think! Let loose with words, art, etc.
I have a particularly hard time shutting off my brain most of the time, so today was a hard push to get into. But when I relaxed, it was so nice.
For a while, all I wanted to do was doodle flowers, so I did! They’re weird kind of doodle flowers, but I like them and make them all over in my bullet journal as well. But as I made more and more flowers, I began thinking about spring, which we are currently enjoying in the land of Oz at the moment.
I then followed my urge to write, so I folded up the mini to hide the flowers inside and then went on to write about spring… in cursive! I don’t often write in cursive, but it felt nice to do so in this mini. I should use cursive more often. It’s fun.
I don’t think this is a zine that I will be making copies of, but I believe some of the art that we make should be made just for ourselves. For the pleasure of doing it.
I’m looking forward to seeing what everyone creates today – if you care you share of course!
Stop by and say hello to other participants:
*A Peaceful Homemaker
*Echo Publishing
*KT Mayflower
*r28 Zines