Greetings, zine friends!
There’s no happy mail video for you today. However, this is a small announcement.
Sea Green Zines will be taking a break in April (not for the full month, but for a few weeks), and I am looking for guest posts to feature here on the blog.
Whether you’d like to tell your zine story, share how you get your creative mojo going, review a zine, or something else zine-related, I’d love to post it here! Multiple submissions are more than welcome, so host a day, a few days, a week – whatever you feel inspired to do.
The deadline for all posts is 31st of March.
Feel free to email me at if you have any questions.
Oooh! I’d love to contribute something! I’ll definitely be in touch once I come up with this “something”.
Awesome! I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with.