Zine Review: Words for my younger self

Words for my younger self
One-page folded mini

Words for my younger self is an A7, one-page-folded, full colour mini-zine with words of advice Shei has for their younger self.

This colourful mini from Shei opens with them writing about how they will being turning 30 and reflecting back on what they have learned over the years.

From there, we go into words of advice – many of which my younger self could have certainly done with hearing, that’s for sure. Each page features typed advice set on colourful collage backgrounds that I have long associated as Shei’s style. I always appreciate so much colour; it makes me smile.

Shei also writes this at the beginning: “So here are a few things I’d like to tell my younger self. Take it as self therapy.” I love this concept of writing to your younger self as a form of therapy. Perhaps it’s just my life scope, but I don’t think reflection is given enough due considering the impact it can have.

I don’t know if this will surprise anyone, but, when I was a child, I always took advice from my elders very seriously. I always had this thing about making the most of life, so why wouldn’t I listen to those who’d lived more of it. With that in mind, I absolutely love zines like this. I love the idea of other young people out there coming across this zine and zines like it, taking the advice to live better lives.

With each piece of advice, I thought, “That’s my favourite.” Then I would read the next and think, “Ah, no, this one is definitely my favourite.” All up, Words for my younger self came together as a lovely mini that I appreciated on many levels. Definitely check out this mini-zine and consider making one of your own.