While I certainly don’t want to take anything away from the spooky season, November approaches! Usually I’m a little more last minute than I want to be, but I am very excited to have the 2023 ZineWriMo calendar ready and waiting for all your Prep-tober needs.
What’s ZineWriMo then?
If you’re not familiar, ZineWriMo is the zine alternative to NaNoWriMo created by Jasper (I no longer have any social links for them) a few years ago. I am another happy participant who decided to dive right in and create a prompts list for the occasion. I try to focus on a list that gives a bit of challenge but isn’t too stressful.
In Jasper’s words:
“ZineWriMo is a new idea that came to me in wanting to combine the original NaNoWriMo and zines!
ZineWriMo is November! We focus on making one, or many, zines in November! Our only goal is to create zines, no word count requirement!“
Dive in, join up, and let’s get ready to zine!
Feel free to email me at seagreenzines@gmail.com if you’d like me to send you the list in PDF or larger .JPG form.
May i repost this with credit on tumblr? the account i would post it to is @moth-ghoul it’s my zine blog
There’s a whole jam on itch too!
Oh that’s awesome!