ZineWriMo Day 10 – Friday Night Highlights

Hello, hello from a fairly toasty day in South Australia. And happy Friday! Being Friday, it’s time for…

Friday Night Highlights – Show off your work(s) in progress

My progress is… a messy desk.

I’m actually pausing what I am doing (working on The 24(+) Zine Thing 4) because I realised that I’d be working well into the night and didn’t want to miss out on what natural light I had left. Haha.

Today’s creative session was completely unplanned but very much needed. Today has been a bit of a rough one, and I’m glad I’ve taken the time and made the space to be creative. It’s soothing to my soul.

I hope you all are having a nice and creative Friday.

Spread a little sunshine.

Other Participants:


Get the full list of prompts and find out what this whole ZineWriMo thing is all about here.