I Just Made This Ugly AF Mini Zine …And I Love It!
Sierra DeCarmen
One Page Folded Mini
I Just Made This Ugly AF Mini Zine …And I Love It! is a full-colour, one page folded mini-zine about creative self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and about taking the leap to make that leap despite it all.
So much in such a small zine? Why yes!
I Just Made This… is a gorgeously uncomplicated zine created with your standard piece of lined notebook paper, and I just adore it. Sierra starts off with: “One of these days I will make a zine.” From there, she marches forward in exploring her thoughts around her hesitation in making a zine as well as her approach to breaking through to make one anyway.
There really is so much packed into a small zine with various topics like imposter syndrome and doubts all touched on that could be expanded into a much bigger zine. But Sierra keeps it where it is – a zine made out of a sheet of notebook paper.
Other than the lines of the notebook page itself, this zine is all handwritten text. Sierra’s sense of humour and writer’s voice are clear – and very encouraging throughout the zine. Not to mention welcoming as well! All without including one of the phrases I loathe: “If I can do it, anyone can.” Nope. Only heartfelt and warm honesty and encouragement here.
I Just Made This Ugly AF Mini Zine …And I Love It! is a lovely mini-zine I highly encourage you to check out. I want to keep my copy with me at all times for when the doubts start springing up in my head.