Zine Review: Nail Biting

Nail Biting
Renee H
One page folded

Nail Biting is a colour, one page folded mini-zine about nail biting made as part of Alphabet Superset Challenge.

When I cheekily commented on Renee’s Instagram post of this zine that I needed this zine in my life, I had no idea that I would soon be able to enjoy a copy in my hands. And not only that, learn so very much about a bad habit I have had for nearly as long as I can remember.

We open with Renee’s story of nail biting over the years that culminated in being determined to break the habit. We then learn about the parts of the nail as well as how damaging nail biting can be. We then go back to Renee and some of the reasons behind the nail biting habit and its links to self-harm, wrapping up with thoughts about how the self-destructive behaviour didn’t actually eliminate the feelings Renee was trying to escape.

My gosh, as someone who has bitten their nails off and on over the years, I am impressed by how much information has been packed into this little zine. I’ve never looked into the parts of the nail nor how much my habit could damage myself – in some ways permanently. I’d also never made the connection to self-destructive behaviour, an insight I find incredibly valuable and one that I will be pondering.

Aesthetically, this mini is lovely. Printed on cream paper with big, clear type. Green as an accent colour and using small design elements as well as typography to add visual interest. This mini is beautifully put together and in a way that suits an informative, personal zine about a very personal and deeper-than-some-think subject.

I really love how Renee handled including not only their contact details but the Alphabet Superset Challenge details and the letter this zine focuses on. It’s long been a nitpick of mine when there are no socials or even a hint of where to find other zines made by the person who made the zine I’ve just enjoyed. To have it all there, clear print, easy to read, and utilising the often-overlooked blank interior of a one page folded mini is definitely a little chef’s kiss element for me.

Nail Biting is a great example of a mini-zine on so many levels. Absolutely pick this one up.