ZineWriMo 2024 Day 7: Make A Mini-Zine Kit

ZineWriMo Day 7: Make a mini-zine kit for someone

Thursday greetings, zine friends! It’s a beautiful day here in this little patch of Australia and a beautiful day for making a mini-zine kit! I decided to make a kit with my friend, Black Wolf’s, daughter in mind. She’s super craft, and I know she loves her coloured pens and patterned paper, so of course I had to include plenty of both!

Have you made a mini-zine kit today? What did you include? Did you make it with someone in mind, or will you give it to a stranger? I’d love to know.


That is all for my day seven. Check out this ZineWriMo post for more on the background of ZineWriMo as well as the prompts list. Also be sure to check out the links below to start connecting to other zinemakers.

Joining In

*Hadass – https://hadass420.wordpress.com

*Smita – https://www.instagram.com/smitavkumar/

*ShellBob – https://www.instagram.com/shellbobmv/

*Erica – https://www.instagram.com/erica.engdahl/

*Nina – https://echopublishing.wordpress.com

*Ola – https://www.instagram.com/backseatzzz/

~Let me know if you are participating so I can add you to the list!~