Zine Review: ‘Bots Is ‘Bots 2

Bots Is Bots 2

‘Bots is ‘Bots: Issue Two

I’ve read the first one, too! Check out my review of ‘Bots Is ‘Bots 1

Where issue one of ‘Bots Is ‘Bots was of a more of an introductory collection of strips, I feel like issue two is more about taking a poke at human nature. Fishing, optimism, pessimism, being overworked… It’s a quirky mix of robots discussing humans while also taking on human behaviour.

While it is having fun and poking fun, he does put in things about the darker sides of life. I appreciated the ‘keeping it real’ aspect to those strips.

I really like the humour in the comic strips, but Gregg proves himself a funny guy in a subtle way as well. You can read the strips and enjoy them, but if you make sure to note the strip titles, they can sometimes make the strip joke all that more funny. I love little touches, and the comic titles could be little somethings that are easy to miss.

All up, I’m looking forward to reading the next issues.