Zine Review: Anecdata 1


Excuse my scissors to hold down the edge.

Anecdata 1
Olivia M June

Zines often ‘catch’ me for one reason or another, drawing me in to take a look inside straight away, and Anecdata 1 is no exception. While this zine may be mini in shape, it’s not mini in size. This isn’t a one-page folded zine; it’s a cut, stapled, 32-page solid read.

Anecdata 1 talks about group housing, stimming (a new-to-me term), mental illness, skin, and more. Olivia has a strong and yet open writing voice that’s intriguing and makes me want to pay attention. Plus, she swears more than I do, which made me grin.

I found myself nodding along a lot while also writing down things to get more information about later. There’s even a section of recommendations for mental health zines, and I love seeing zines supporting other zines in that way.

It was interesting to read a perzine from someone whom I felt I had so much and yet so very little in common with. I felt like I was being taught a lot of new things, but in a casual, conversational kid of way. Olivia’s openness and expression about being in therapy and other life experiences has really inspired me to take a close look at what I let myself feel and express when it comes to my mental illness.

There is a lot going on in this little zine, and I enjoyed very much. Anecdata 1 has been a lovely introduction to a whole new(-to-me) world experience, and I look forward to reading more in the series.

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