Happy Mail! – Holiday Mail Crush Edition


I worry about mail getting to its destination at the best of times, but this time of year – the holiday mail crush – I am extra anxious. Honestly, I didn’t expect to get any happy mail this month thanks to the slow down. Yeah, that’s a bit of an extreme assumption, but that’s how my anxiety works.

So when I have received these beauties in the mail, I’ve wanted to say, “I’m so glad you made it here okay!”

I didn’t because they’re not actually alive or anything…


Moving on!


Happy mail from Chris! Chris writes books as well as zines, and it’s fun to write to a fellow author.


A lovely letter and stamp set from a fairly new pen friend from SendSomething.net. If you want to send out a lot of mail but don’t know where to start, I definitely recommend SendSomething. It’s very simple and easy to use.


Fishspit happy mail! I must admit that I was hanging out a bit for this one, as I knew it had to be coming soon. Fishspit continues to send lovely things wrapped up in very cool envelope art. Plus a copy of the latest Wiseblood!


How cute is this tiny cat? This is definitely going next to my tiny green cat and my tiny hamster. 🙂


My Neighbour Totoro coin purse! I absolutely adore pretty much all things Miyazaki. His movies are some of my favourites, but there isn’t exactly a lot of memorabilia around where I live. Thank you so much!

I hope you are all having a lovely week full of lots of happy mail and staying warm or cool depending on where you live. You’re amazing!

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